Chapter 60

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The next day

Michael was napping with the baby on his chest as cinder and Linket and lea were as wolves going to camp crystal lake without telling anyone. as they were almost there from leaving early morning while when they get there linket was a little nervous if Jason might pop up. Then linket turns human so dose lea as she takes her blue wolf helmet off and shakes her head as she had a ton of scar all over her face and her hair in a bun as lea says. sometimes I think I wear this to much. cinder takes her helmet off reveling her scars and black hair in a bun as she says. well not as long as me. linket watches them as she gose sitting on the dock to the lake tilting her head back. Then she takes her jacket off and puts her knife on her jacket reveling a few Hikey's on each side of her neck that were slowly healing while lea notice as she whispers to cinder. she is as bad as you. cinder whispers back. well at lest she wasn't like nitray. lea giggles a bit as she whispers. true. cinder grins a bit as she sits on the ground a bit spreading out her wings while she lays down on her stomach. while lea gose and sits next to linket putting her claw hand around linket comfortingly as lea says. I know what it's like to be hunted but don't worry my brother will keep Jason in hell. linket nodes as she says. I know I just feel like he going to pop up and try to drown me. lea nodes understanding as she says. I was the same when Freddy was trying to kill me in the dreamrealm into he finally stop. linket replies. sounds a bit like me and Michael. lea grins a bit and says. how did you to get him to stop. linket replies a bit embarrassed. well he broke my wrist on accident which got him to stop. lea says holding her a bit close. there no need to be embarassed I got Freddy to stop after I punch him in the face after he claws my face. linket looks at her and says. you both seem alike no offence. lea replies. none taken. linket nodes as lea then says. I'm going to catch some fish be back. linket nodes as lea slides herself into the lake and gose under the water while she secretly turns into her dragon form from been a ex dragon knight.

A little bit later

Linket had dozed off on the dock laying down as lea and cinder were keeping a eye on her as they were cleaning what fish lea got. while they didn't know another Jason clone sneaking behind Linket. as Satan didn't know he snuck out of hell as Jason stands over Linket as he was about to kick her into the lake. While linket eyes jolt open feeling a shadow over her as she quickly grabs her knife as she stands and growls lightly starring him down as he stares back. while her collar turns into a wolf helmet covering her face as she growls and runs at him. Then she slash at him while he blocks her attacks with his machete. while he slice her chest making her wince in pain while she ignores it while she bleeds as he slash her helmet. while his machete gose through her helmet breaking it opens as he cuts her face. while he removed his machete her helmet retracted into a collar at she touch her face feeling the large cut and blood then says. you basterd. her face bleeds as she stabs him in the shoulder violently multiple times making him bleed as she was going into a bloodlust rage. Then when she stabs him in the shoulder again her knife gets stuck in his shoulder as she growls lightly making her full moon wolf claws come out as she says. when I'm done with you I'll take your machete as a trophy. linket then slash his chest multiple times with her full moon wolf claws while he grabs her throwing her straight past cinder and lea into a cabin while cinder and lea go invisible to let linket fight.

At Michael's house

Michael wakes up feeling linket pain and rage and bloodlust as he stands giving the baby to Freddy as the baby is sleeping still. while Freddy was confused then figure it out as he gives the baby to Ghostface. then Freddy follows Michael to his car while Michael gets in and so dose Freddy as Michael drives while also holding his knife.

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