Chapter 79

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The next day

Linket time of the month has finished as she was out hunting while it was her turn to hunt. while Michael was napping into linket smells something wired and then she was knocked out by someone she didn't recognise as she passed out.

Somewhere unknown

Linket wakes up on the ground of a school who she looks around confused and sees she doesn't have her knife which confused her as she stands up taking of her mask. while she then sees a tall man as she looks at him with little disapproval into she finds a peice of paper in her mask and reads it to herself saying to herself. "you must find your friend's seven notebooks that are spread throughout the school, without being caught by there teacher, Baldi, and being hindered by the other students and faculty". she looks at it then walks to Baldi while he welcome her to school as she listens then walks off going to the first classroom grabbing the note book and answering the three questions right as she left. while Baldi gives her a quarter she except it as she gose to the next classroom answering two questions right and getting the last question wrong while she decided to put her mask back on and starts hearing Baldi smacking his ruler while she left the room and continues on to the rest of the books.

With Michael

Michael was woken up by Freddy which was a bad idea as Michael was chocking Freddy for been distributed into Springtrap walks in and says. we can't find linket we think she been kidnapped. Michael drops Freddy and the grabs his knife leaving the room and the house to find linket and kill who has taken her. While he goes through the woods as springtrap and Freddy have begun to notice that Michael is more protective of Linket then he was before.

At Baldi school

Linket had six books into she was sent to detention for entertaining somewhere she wasn't supposed to while in the principal office she found her knife on the principal desk. as she smirked a bit in her mask grabbing it while then linket was aloud out of detention and she gose looking for the last book. into she came across playtime which makes her jump rope which makes her mad. then cuts playtime jump rope with her knife then linket slits playtime throat decapitating her. while Linket Looks at the head then drops it on the ground walking off to find the other book not knowing michael has found were she is. while he walks through the school house looking around and also hearing a smacking sound were he seen a tall man with a ruler which makes him raise a eyebrow in his mask. As then Michael starts walking around and then sees a dead body of a girl and her head with a rope that seems to cut in half as he then thinks it was from linket while he walks by the body to find linket.

With linket

Linket walks in a classroom finding the last book while she then grabs it answering 2 questions right and answer the last question wrong while then she left the classroom hearing Baldi getting faster and smacking his ruler even harder. while she walks to the exit but it dissapears turning the school red which confused her so she makes her way to another exit but then that dissapears as well. as she growls getting angry while she gose to the 3rd exit but it dissapears as well as she turns wolf growling as she then gose through the school looking for the last exit.

With Michael

Michael had just killed a large man that was the bully as the bully tried stealing Michael knife after the bully is dead Michael then sees the school turn red. which confused him while then Michael makes his way seen 3 exit but they weren't there which confused him while he then sees Linket as wolf going to the next exit and is getting chased by the principal and Baldi. while Michael gose through a short cut that was near the last exit while Linket comes in seen Michael while she hides behind him as Baldi had hit her with his ruler that had cut her shoulder. As she turns human behind him while Michael grabs the principal crushing his throat and then slits Baldi throat and then decapitated him. while Linket watches while Michael takes her outside of the school and looks at her shoulder seen the gash from the ruler while he frowns in his mask and pulls out a bandage from his navy blue boilersuit pocket. as he warps linket shoulder in the bandage to help stop the bleeding while she watches him do it as she blushes a little bit as he lift up his mask and kisses a bit while he then picks her up making her giggles. as he Carrys her home while he takes her knife putting it in his pocket with his knife.

In hell with nitray

Lea was slowly healing when Satan says to nitray. go home and rest don't worry I'll keep an Eye on her. nitray nodes and dissapears back to Michael as lea says to Satan sounding tired. why didn't you let me die. Satan replies. beacuse your family. lea nodes understanding.

At michael house

Michael and Linket were close to the house while nitray appears in the house looking tired while she gose upstairs to sleep as Michael and Linket walks in as michael keeps linket close to him. while they go upstairs to there room as Freddy and springtrap watches them while springtrap starts thinking of who took Linket.

In Michael room

Linket sits on the bed taking off her mask and setting it on the beside table as she wince in a bit of pain from her shoulder as the gash from Baldi ruler was really deep. while she feels it throbbing from how sore it is while Michael gose and takes the bandage off her shoulder to have a look at it while he then sees how deep it is as he could see the bone with a metal plate in it. as he knew that was the shoulder Carlisle had fixed after Linket fight with a clone of Jason while linket says. how bad is it. Michael writes down showing her as she reads it to herself ."it's not bad you just need some stiches to heal faster". linket nodes understanding while she blushes a bit while he puts his arms around her. while he sits behind her as he decided to put another bandage around her shoulder so it doesn't bleed so much. while he then lifts up his mask up as then he kisses her shoulder as it makes her giggles a bit while he fix his mask and rest his head on her other shoulder as she rest her head on the side of his head.

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