Chapter 39

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The next day the start of winter

Linket and cinder and Seth were as wolves even through linket was the only one on back legs cinder and Seth didn't mind as they were on all fours like normal wolves as linket was nuzzling Michael. While in a goodbye for now as he lets her go while cinder and Seth were waiting outside then Linket joins them while the three of them runs off in the woods while Linket runs on all fours as cinder was wearing her helmet. While linket had given it back to her as both Linket and Seth follows cinder wondering were there going as cinder was planning on going to fork's Washington while it was still spring there.

A few hours later

Linket and cinder and Seth in there wolf form were close as they decided to have a drink from a river as linket says in mind to cinder. so cinder I know this is a strange question but did you ever have or had a mate. cinder looks away at that question as linket says in mind to her. I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. cinder looks at her and says in mind to linket. no it's fine I had a mate he was killed by my enemy a few years after our wedding. linket looks down feeling bad as she says in mind. I'm so sorry for your loss. cinder smiles a little bit as she says in mind to linket. thank you now come let go. Seth and Linket nodes as they starts making there way with cinder to fork's Washington as they get to the bridge there and walks over while no cars are coming As when they get over the bridge they were in fork's Washington.

With the Cullen's

Alice had another vision of Linket and Seth arrive with another wolf wearing a helmet she weren't sure who it was as she tells Carlisle and Esme what she has seen. While Carlisle and Emmett and Esme gose to find linket and Cinder and Seth as they runs through there land in Search for Linket and Seth and cinder in wolf form.

With cinder and Seth and Linket

They walks through the woods in wolf form still as cinder says in mind to Seth. I thought it was spring here it looks like winter. Seth Says in mind to cinder. it is spring it always looks like winter. cinder nodes understanding as linket starts hearing something and growls looking around as cinder starts growling as they see Seth's old pack. While Seth hides behind linket as she growls at the alpha Paul and Leah as then both Linket and Paul and Leah starts fighting while cinder protects Seth as they secretly escapes.

With linket

As linket fights Paul and Leah they go into vampire land and falls down a Hill still fighting as the wolf pack follows them. then linket gets shoved into a wall of the Cullen's house as she falls to the ground while Paul turns human and so dose linket as she stands and Paul grabs her by the hair as she says. get your Hands off me. he smacks her across the face while she stabs him in the ribs with the knife she had in her back pocket while she rips it out of him making him bleed Leah turns human and punching linket in the face making Paul let her go as she falls to the ground as she says. if my mate saw this he will take your head as a trophy and wear your ribcage as a hat. Paul was about to kick her as Edward came speeding out of the house with Bella and Jasper as Edward says. don't you even think about it Paul. Paul Huff's and turns wolf leaving with Leah as Jasper carefully picks up linket as she was in a bit of pain as he takes her inside with Edward and Bella while Alice calls Carlisle.

With Cinder and Seth

Cinder and Seth had escaped from the wolf fight and bumps into Carlisle and Esme and Emmett as Seth turns human and says. linket fighting Paul and Leah to protect us from them. Esme says to Seth. aren't you apart of the pack Seth. Seth shakes his head and says. no I left. Carlisle gets a phone call and answers it finding it to be Alice. while they had linket while she was badly hurt while Carlisle takes off in vampire speed back to the house as Esme holds Seth arm carefully and left in vampire speed with him. while cinder turns human retracting her helmet as she still mostly had wolf features while Emmett says. so you want to be carried or like Seth. cinder says. carry me. Emmett nodes and picks her up running off in vampire speed to the house.

At the Cullen's house

Linket was layed down on the kitchen table as Edward says. Carlisle on his way. what can we do to ease her pain. Jasper thinks as he says. the only thing I can think off is Morphin. but I don't know how much to give her. Edward thinks as Carlisle came in the house first as he gose over to linket as she looks at him as he says putting a bit of Morphin into her. she will heal don't worry. Edward nodes as he leaves with Bella and Jasper while Esme came with Seth as he and Bella go off the talk as they were tight freinds while Esme go to linket and she says. you can't seem to stay out of trouble can you. linket looks at her and says. I can't help myself. Emmett arrives with cinder in his arms as he sets her down while she looks around as she sees Rosaline remembering her as a freind as they go and talk to catch up. while Esme and Carlisle left to hunt while Emmett says going to linket as she sits up on the table. your a little trouble maker. linket replies grinning a bit. well you know me I can't help myself. Emmett smirks a bit and says. what are you doing back here so soon. linket replies. well Haddonfield, Illinois is in winter. so I came here into Christmas and I return properly on my own. cinder and Seth Siad they'll stay if I go back. Emmett nodes and says. well Carlisle and Esme will let you stay as long as you want. linket nodes understanding.

At Michael house

Michael was going on a bit of a rampage from feeling linket pain not been able to protect her into it stop as he slowly calms down as he was locked in the basement by Freddy and tiffany and Chucky. Then Freddy was guarding the door while tiffany and Chucky were making dinner the best they could. Then Freddy opens the basement door to check on Michael finding him calm and let's him out as they go and plays a horror video game which was which was called five nights at Freddy's 3 as Michael liked springtrap jumpscared but Freddy didn't he found them annoying as chucky and tiffany walks in watching both Michael and Freddy plays.

Michael Myers and Linket (my oc) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora