Chapter 73

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In the slasher sanitarium

A few days

Linket was still painting while the others played blackjack as springtrap watches her as he was thinking of doing his plan of escape. while Linket was almost finished as cinder was watching Linket wondering what she was painting into cinder is told that linket has visitors so she turns the painting away not wanting anyone to see as linket lets cinder take her to the visiting room as linket had a plan of revange against cinder for Michael.

In the visiting room

Linket arrives and is cuffed to a table while Seth and Emmett and Carlisle and Esme were escorted in by a few guards As linket waits with her hands on her chin looking bored as she close her eyes for a moment thinking while Esme sits first while she says. Linket. she recognised the voice while Carlisle sits next to Esme and Emmett sits next to Carlisle and Seth sits on the other side of Esme. while Linket opens her eyes looking at them as she says. how did you find me here. Seth replies. I picked up your sent from were I heard you Howl and lead them here. linket nodes as Esme says to Linket hoping not to upset her. how are you doing after losing Michael. linket replies. well most nights when I try and sleep all I see is how he was killed and when I'm alone during the day I mostly cry. Esme replies. that's normal when you have lost the love of your life. linket nodes as she starts talking with Esme and Carlisle.

In lea room

Lea and nitray were arguing about what card game to play next into springtrap walks over with heavy steps a bit like Jason while springtrap says. how about take a break from the card games and play charades. lea thinks and nodes agreeing while lea says. ok you go first. springtrap sighs and nodes while he stands in the middle of the room while he then starts pretending to be cinder while nitray says. let me see hmm are you Freddy Krueger. springtrap shakes his head and continues while lea says. Jason Voorhees. springtrap shakes his head while he continues as Freddy says. hmm Michael Myers. springtrap still shakes his head as Jason writes down giving it to nitray as she reads out. 'a alien'. springtrap shakes his head while continuing as Pennywise says. me. springtrap shakes his head while Hannibal says. you don't happen to be miss Dragmire. springtrap nodes and says. your turn. Hannibal nodes standing while springtrap gose to stand next to the table. while Hannibal starts by pretending to be a Freddy Krueger while lea says. you don't happen to be Jason. Hannibal shakes his head while Linket walked in by been escorted by cinder as Linket says going to continue her painting. Freddy Krueger. Hannibal says. yes do you want a go. linket thinks and then says. maybe later. Hannibal nodes while Linket gose back to her painting while lea says. I'll have a go. Hannibal nodes going to sit down while lea stands and gose to the middle of the room as she starts pretending to be Michael Myers while Freddy says. Jason. lea shakes her head as nitray says me lea shakes her head while lea continues as springtrap says. hmmmm Linket. lea shakes her head while Jason writes down and gives to nitray to read while nitray reads it out loud. "Michael Myers". lea nodes as linket pretends to not to be listing while she was secretly crying. As Jason gose for his turn and starts to pretend to be linket as lea says. nitray. Jason shakes his head while he continues as springtrap says. linket. Jason nodes as springtrap gose for his turn as he then pretends to be Jason while Linket says already knowing. Jason. springtrap nodes as linket had finished her painting. while springtrap gets taken to his psychiatrist as the other slashers decided to take a break from charades as linket shows her painting.

Michael Myers and Linket (my oc) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu