Chapter 49

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A few days later

Linket has gone missing as Freddy and Michael and Pennywise are looking for her not knowing that Dr Sartain has taken her to lure Michael to there location. While Dr Sartain has taken linket to a abandoned Werehouse as they were high up on some platforms above acid as linket was tied up with rope as she says. release me. linket growls at him as he shakes his head while Michael starts following linket fear and anger with Freddy and Pennywise as they get to the abandoned Werehouse seen what going on. while Michael speed walks to get to linket while Freddy runs and Pennywise teleports there grabbing Dr. Sartain. Then he shoves Linket into a pit of acid as she falls Michael sees as his eyes widen as he gets inraged as he grabs Dr. Sartain and stabs him multiple times in the stomach and chest violently as when he is dead. Michael gives his knife to Freddy as Michael then jumps off after linket as she hits the acid as she was trying to untie the ropes while she almost as the ropes of as Michael lands in the acid next to her as he holds her ripping the ropes off. While he holds her getting out as she nuzzles him as Freddy and Pennywise came as Freddy gives Michael his knife back as he puts his knife in his pocket as they starts making there way back to the house. While Michael makes his way with linket to a waterfall to clean off the acid before it starts Burning them. While Freddy and Pennywise go back to house on there own while Linket and Michael gose to there private waterfall.

At linket and Michael waterfall

Michael and linket has made there way to there private waterfall as Michael push linket in making her squeals as she didn't expect that to happen. as Michael takes his mask off setting it with his knife on the ground next to the waterfall as linket takes her shoes and jacket off putting them on the ground as Michael take his black overalls off along with his black boots off. While he was in his tight singlet revealing his Abs and muscles as linket trys pulling him in the water but he was quite heavy in muscle mass. as she couldn't move him as he gets in the water next to her and splashed her making her giggles. Then she splashes back making him grins as he was about to grab her but she hides by going under the water making him follows her under the water as he grabs her ankle making her giggles under the water. Then he pulls her to him as they kiss Into Michael gets out of the water and gets changed back into his clothes on. while Linket watches as he puts his mask while Linket swims around like a fish into she sits on the edge of the water as she gets out and decided to walk home bear foot as she sits next to Michael as he had her knife in his pocket with his knife. as they both look at the night sky at the stars into linket shivers a little bit cold while Michael warps a arm around her as she nuzzles him into they stand making there way to Michael house.

At Michael house

Linket walks in with Michael as she decided to go up and take a warm shower and change clothes while Linket showers. while Michael gose upstairs into his room as he changed his overall to navy blue overalls as he then gose back down to the kitchen as hit puts linket and his knife into the table letting them stand on there own as he looks in the fridge thinking of what to eat.

With linket

Linket was showering she starts feeling like she been watched as when she finished her shower she drys herself off. Then gets changed into some clothes still feeling like she been watched which was making her skitsh a bit since she didn't have her knife while she finished getting changed she looks around.

 Then gets changed into some clothes still feeling like she been watched which was making her skitsh a bit since she didn't have her knife while she finished getting changed she looks around

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