Chapter 9

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It didn't take long for the couple to reach Louis' house and Louis was once again nervous about bringing someone new into his home— especially his very own dominant. They pulled into the driveway and Louis— who was now feeling very submissive after the day's events waited for Harry to get out of the car first. Harry walked around to the passenger side of the vehicle and opened Louis' door for him. Louis offered to help Harry carry his stuff in but Harry declined saying "I've got it love. You just unlock the door for us." Louis did so and then showed Harry around. By the time the tour was over and Louis had rearranged things in the bedroom to make room for Harry's belongings it was getting quite late. The new couple ordered a pizza for dinner and comfortably cuddled on the couch like they had known each other for years until Harry announced that it was bedtime. Louis didn't argue. It had been a long day and he was exhausted. They fell asleep cuddled in much the same way as the had been on the couch and both dominant and submissive were very content.
Louis woke up before Harry and he was initially content to cuddle up with his Dom and go back to sleep. However he remembered that he had three meetings with long term clients at work to attend that morning and he got out of bed and began getting ready. Louis not have been matched with a Dom before but he knew that most newly matched couples took a full week off from work and/or school as was their governmental right. Louis, However, viewed that as optional and did not plan to take so much as one day off— he was far too busy as a CEO. Louis was so busy focusing on his meetings for the day that his new rules from his Dom didn't even cross his mind and he rushed out the door with a coffee in his hand without eating breakfast and without so much as a note to his new Dom. He had decided that he would call home during his lunch break to check in with Harry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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