Chapter 5

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"Should we move on to possible consequences then?" Harry asked and Louis gulped a little but nodded.
"Okay then, possible consequences are a spanking, a mouth washing, time out and/or corner time, grounding, chastity and/or orgasm denial, writing lines, and age play. Naturally, other punishments can be handed out depending on the situation but as we said before, we will always discuss it— especially if the punishment is not one of the ones I just listed. Of course the severity and amount of consequences, and which consequence(s) depends on the severity of your actions but some consequences you can always expect for certain actions. For example, you can always expect a mouth washing for cursing but depending on how many you use/say and whether or not you were cursing at someone— especially at me you could also receive a spanking and corner time. I also really like using age play to handle brattiness." Harry said smirking a little at the last part. Louis blushed and looked down. He had marked age play as a green but it definitely didn't turn him on and wasn't something that he really enjoyed. It's something he thought would be okay occasionally if it was something that his dominant was into or as an effective punishment since he found it kinda humiliating. Dang, how had Harry already figured that out?!
"Any questions about possible consequences Louis?" Harry asked, interrupting Louis' thoughts.
"No sir." Louis answered.
"Very well then, I was planning on going out for a nice lunch together today but that was before someone decided to act like a brat this morning. Now I think we have something else that we need to handle first. What do you think?"
Louis looked up at his dominant with shame "yes sir we do. I'm sorry sir."
"I'm sure you are Louis but we are going to handle it and then all will be well. We're going to back to my apartment for now because I will need a few things from there as well as to pack a bag if we are going to go to your place tonight. Did you drive here today?"
"No sir. I walked. My house isn't very far from here."
"Alright then, we will take my car." Harry said standing up. Louis quickly followed nervously. Harry reached over and took Louis hand into his own and squeezed it gently.

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