Chapter 4

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"Okay Louis, we are going to start with the basics, living situations, rules, consequences, etc." Harry said and Louis nodded. " I would like for us to begin living together as soon as possible. However, my dorm apartment is very small and I will have to discuss moving someone else in with the university first..." Harry continued.
"Sir, if I may?" Louis started and looked towards Harry who nodded. "I have a house of my own, a couple of them actually, if it would be okay with you then we could both live at my place and then we wouldn't be cramped or have to worry about finding a new place once you graduate. And you could move in immediately if you would like sir."
"I like that idea Louis. However, I just want to make it clear that even though we will be living in your house I will still be the one making all of the rules."
"Yes sir. Of course!" Louis replied.
"Alright then, now that that is settled. On to the next order of business. Work." Louis froze. He hadn't even thought about it yet but it is well within a dominant's rights to not allow a submissive to work once they have been matched. Harry could take over his company now effective immediately or worse he could make Louis sell it. Harry noticed the look of fear and panic on Louis' face immediately. "Calm down love. Everything is alright. I am not taking your company away from you. I am proud to have a submissive that is so successful." Harry said gently rubbing Louis' hand. "That is what I wanted to make clear to you. You will run your company just like you always have. Nothing has to be ran by me unless you have broken one of our rules while at work— which in that instance I will expect you to report it to me yourself because if I have to find out another way (which I will) the consequences will be much worse for you." Louis nodded. "Thank you sir. Tomlinson Advertising means so much to me— I would be devastated to lose it. I really appreciate you allowing me to continue business as usual with my company. And I promise to do my best to follow the rules laid out for me and I will confess to you when I break the rules— I've always told on myself eventually anyways even when I was a little boy."
"I'm going to hold you to that Louis. Respect, honesty, and trust are 3 of the most important aspects of a relationship for me and I want us to have all of that mutually. Now I think that leads us to the rules." Louis nodded. Harry pulled a piece of paper and a pen out of a bag that was sitting on the floor beside the table. "Here is a sheet of paper and a pen, Louis. I want you to write your rules down as we discuss them."
"Yes, Sir." Louis responded.
"Rule 1, you will always refer to me as Sir in public but in private you may call be Harry as long as you are still being  respectful."
"Rule 2, no cursing."
"Rule 3, bed time is at 11:00 on week nights."
"Rule 4, no touching or pleasuring yourself or cumming without permission."
"Rule 5, you will not leave the house without permission. If it is for work or an emergency you must at least let me know what is happening, where you are going, and when."
"Rule 6, communication is key. You will always answer your phone when I text or call you. You will not ignore me even if you are angry at me. I will do the same for you."
Rule 7, Always show respect to everyone— including yourself. You will not talk down about yourself."
"Rule 8, you will follow orders to the best of your ability."
"Rule 9, you will confess to me when you have broken a rule or disobeyed me in any way and accept the punishment handed out without argument or complaint."
"Rule 10, you will ALWAYS use your safe words when needed without any fear, shame, or guilt. It is always acceptable for you to safe word if you feel it necessary— even during punishment."
"Those are the rules I have laid out for now. Of course we can always add or change rules as necessary. You can also propose rules if you would like or ever feel like it would help you to have a certain rule. Do you have any questions or concerns Louis?"
"Yes, Sir. I do have a question. Can we discuss any punishments together before they happen or would that be considered arguing?"
"I would not consider that arguing at all as long as the discussion remains respectable and civil. I appreciate you bringing that up and actually we could add that to the rule if you would like? That we will always discuss a punishment before it takes place. I think that would be great for our communication!" Harry says smiling fondly at Louis. Louis can't help but to blush a little at the praise.
"I would like that sir. I think it would help me to feel more comfortable and to understand the punishment better." Louis said.
"Very well then. It is officially added. Any other questions?" Harry asks nodding.
"No sir. Not at the moment anyways." Louis replies.
"Okay if any questions do arise feel free to ask them. Of course I do ask that the timing be as appropriate as possible when you do so that we have time to have a sufficient discussion to make sure that everything is clear and that your question is fully answered."
"Thank you Sir. I appreciate that." Louis says smiling at Harry. He truly did get a sweet dominant. Now Louis feels even worse for the way he treated him earlier.

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