Chapter 6

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Louis was nervous about the coming punishment but he was not scared of Harry plus he knew that he deserved it. He wondered if Harry was going to use age play like he had mentioned because he knew he had been a brat and Harry had said that age play was his favorite punishment for bratty behavior. Louis was embarrassed at just the thought but his behavior towards his new dominant had been pretty embarrassing too. When they reached Harry's car, he opened the passenger side door for Louis and waited for him to crawl inside before closing the door and walking around to the driver's side and getting inside the car himself.
Harry was dreading the coming punishment almost as much as his new submissive. He really didn't want to punish Louis on their first day together but he couldn't let Louis' behavior slide and he was going to have to be harsh because Louis broke two big rules and it wouldn't be fair to either of them for Harry to go easy this time and then be a lot harsher the next time that Louis breaks the same rule(s). They reach Harry's apartment quickly and after parking, Harry gets out of the car and sighs as he walks around to open Louis' door.
"Once we get inside I want you to kneel beside the couch and wait for me." Harry said sternly.
"Yes Sir." Louis replied.
They walk up the steps and straight into Harry's ground level apartment. Louis immediately goes over to the couch and kneels with his head down. Harry laid his keys down and went to his bedroom to think and to gather supplies. He didn't want to be too harsh on Louis because the bad behavior occurred before their rules were established so he would like to give the sub the benefit of the doubt but he also couldn't give the impression that the kind of bratty behavior that Louis had exhibited would ever be tolerated. Harry quickly decided to give a punishment that was somewhere in the middle of being lenient and his usual strictness. He quickly grabbed something out of the closet and went back to join Louis in the other room.
"Look at me." Harry said once he was standing in front of the submissive. Louis quickly obeyed the order.
"Your behavior today was completely unacceptable Louis. However, since it is our first day together and your misbehavior occurred before we discussed the rules and consequences, I am willing to be rather lenient with your punishment today. Do not expect this type of leniency in the future."
"Yes Sir. I apologize for my behavior and I am ready to accept my punishment." Louis said sadly.
"Very well. You will be receiving a bare bottomed spanking and you will keep this soother in your mouth for the entire afternoon except for when we are eating. Do you understand your punishment and do you have any questions?"
"Yes sir I understand and I do have a question sir."
Harry nods "go ahead and ask your question."
"Will I be allowed to talk while the soother is in or is it supposed to be a sort of gag?" Louis asked.
"That's a good question Louis. Sometimes the soother will be used as a gag, for instance when you are in timeout. However, today you are allowed to talk but you will not be permitted to take the soother out without me stating that you can. You will have to talk around it the best you can." Harry explained.
Louis nods. "Yes Sir."
"Alright then. Let's begin your punishment Louis. Open." Harry said holding the soother out towards Louis' mouth. Louis obediently opened his mouth and accepted the soother into it.
"Now stand up and pull your pants and underwear down to your ankles." Harry ordered as he took a seat on the edge of the couch. Louis obeyed swiftly, wanting to get this over with.
"Good. Now place yourself over my lap." Harry said sternly.

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