Chapter 8

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Louis fell asleep like that cuddled into his dominant's strong and warm embrace. Harry looked down at his sleeping submissive admiring him. He couldn't believe that he finally had a submissive of his very own. And he was perfect— feisty but perfect. After admiring him and letting him sleep for about an hour Harry decided that it was time to wake him so that they could eat and relocate back to Louis' place. He gently woke Louis up which took awhile— the boy is a sound sleeper. Once awake Louis seemed to be in a much better mood than he was this morning and more willing to listen to his dominant's orders. They had a nice late lunch together and then Harry packed an overnight bag in order to spend the night at Louis' house— which would very soon be their house. Harry couldn't wait for it to be their house if he was being honest. he wanted to share everything with Louis already.
It was late afternoon when they were getting ready to leave Harry's apartment and Louis had behaved so well and had not whined at all about the soother being in his mouth that Harry decided that Louis had learned his lesson and the soother could be removed and they could hopefully have a good conversation in the car to get to know each other more. He called Louis over and reached up to remove the soother from Louis' mouth and Louis looked at him a little confused.
"It's alright baby, your punishment is over. You may talk as much as you want now. Besides, we're about to drive to your place and I kind of need you to give me directions." Harry said with a smirk. Louis gave him a big smile.
"Thank you, Sir! I'm happy to give you directions. I can't wait for you to see the house; I hope you like it!"
"I can't wait to see it either Louis. I'm sure I'll love it!"
The couple headed out to the car and drove across town to Louis' house chattering happily.

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