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You walked inside the room and then suddenly you heard the door behind you lock. Your turned around and rushed to the door handle. You started turning it but the door wouldn't open.


You listened but there was no response. You just stood there, staring at payton until he said-

Payton: Um, it's good to see that you woke up.

You: Oh, um yeah, thanks. It's nice to not see anymore more blood come out of your stomach.

Payton: He, yeah. Um why did they lock us in here??

You: I don't know??

You guys just stayed silent until payton said again-

Payton: Come sit.-
He said patting the space next to him on the bed.

You walked over and sat next to him.

Payton: Can we talk?

You: About what??

Payton: Us.

You: Payton, I already told you this. We just can't while we're with black star.

Payton: Then lets leave. All of us and we'll start our own gang together-
Now he was sitting up and he was holding your hand.

You: Payton..... Even if we do leave, then we'll loose everything. The house, cars......-

But he cut you off by kissing you. You guys kissed for about 1 minute and when you both let go, you smiled at each other.

You sighed and said-

You: I'll think about it.

Payton: Yesssssss

You: Haha

You then started looking around the room and you found some medical supplies that griffin used on payton.

You looked at them and you saw a long metal stick. ( If you guys know it, it's that long metal thing that doctors use in surgeries )

You grabbed it and looked at it carefully. Then you had an idea. Payton saw you staring at the thing when he asked-

Payton: What are you looking at??

You turned around and showed him the metal thingy. You then walked over to the door, and bent down to face the key hole.

Payton: What are you doing???

You stuck the thingy inside and shook it around. Just then you heard a click and you stood back up.

You: Your welcome-
You said, while opening the door.

You looked outside and everyone was sitting on the couch and they were staring at you too. Payton now stood up and he stood next to you, on the door frame.

You two had were really mad and they could tell by your faces. Just then, they all got up ran to the stairs, scared of both of you.

They all ran up to their rooms and closed the doors shut. You and payton stared at each other and laughed hard. Then you both walked to the kitchen and ate some food together. You sat down on the couch and watched a movie while eating.

When you finished the movie and the food, you went to the kitchen to clear the food up while payton turned the tv off. He then looked up and he saw everyone on the top of the stairs, staring at both of you.

Payton called you over and told you to look up. You looked up and saw them and both of your faces grew mad. They then scrambled up to their rooms, terrified by both of you.

You and payton started laughing for the second time when you said-

You: I better go up to my room. I need a shower and some sleep after all that  happened today.

Payton: yeah your right. Me too.

You both walked up the stairs and into your rooms. You took your clothes off and walked into the shower. While you were showering, you kept on thinking about what payton said.

I don't know what to think!! Should we get together and leave black star with everyone else?? I don't know!!! What about the others?? Would they even approve of all of us leaving?? Would they get mad?? But even if we did, we would loose everything. The house, the cars. But we are rich anyways so we could just buy more cars and a new house. But what if........-
Y/n, STOP!! Just think about this tomorrow. Go get some sleep. It's been a long day!!

You then got out of the shower, changed into this-

You then got out of the shower, changed into this-

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and got into bed. You checked your phone.( Btw it's like 2am). Just as you were putting your phone away, you got a message from mike.......

Soz haven't updated. Been watching The umbrella academy and I'm occupied in it. Soz. Love ya all💗💗

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