Jungkook || Hepatitis

Start from the beginning

"We are pretty sure Mr. Jeon has Hepatitis, and we are thinking type B. This is when the liver is inflamed and can cause pain in both or just joints, muscles around the liver, and abdominal pain. In chronic cases, but this is not always the case there can be urinal problems or fevers caused by heavy inflammation. We are sure that Jungkook's case is more serious, as left untreated but with this medication and rest it should be just fine."
"Are there any precautions we should take?" Jin says while signing Jimin to leave the room, seeing his temper beginning to rise like boiling water.
"We recommend soft, easy to digest foods and limited physical activity, if he doesn't get better with this medication within a month or two's period, then come back and see us. Have a great day, and you can find the information on the prescription at the front desk on your way out, get well soon Mr. Jeon." He says, smiling oddly happy at the two. Jungkook has huddled up into Jin's side, now feeling the stomach cramps the doctor was talking about. Although all his symptoms had seemed to disappear after the quick injection of medicine they gave him.


"How was it?"
"Are you okay Kook?"
"What did they say?" As soon as the three entered the dorm, they were; mostly Jungkook, over blown with questions concerning the recent appointment.

"I- I have Hep-" He completely butchers the word, so Seokjin fills them in while Tae rubs the maknaes back, feeling the angry stomach rumbling inside him.
"Hepatitis B, they gave us the prescription and he needs rest."

"Our poor Kookie."
"Get well soon Kook-ah." Yoongi says, rubbing his back as he softly pushes him into Jin so he can take him upstairs for some rest.

It's been around 2 weeks and Jungkook has been feeling so good. His pains have completely gone away, leaving a somewhat numb feeling. Which was better than cramps, so he'll take it. All is well until they get a ring from their local doctors office.

"Is this Mr. Jeon Jungkook?"
"Yes it is he."
"We have some concerns based on your recent diagnosis.."

"We have sadly misdiagnosed you for the wrong type, if you have been feeling numb recently or noticed diarrhea or anything abnormal there may be an infection in your liver. We suggest come getting it checked out."
"I'm sorry, what?! What do I have then?"
"Type C sir, type C."
"Okay um, bye have a good day."
"You too Mr. Jeon, goodbye."

He hangs up, now in panic. How else was he supposed to react to someone telling him his liver might have just gotten infected?

"Jin Hyung! I-I need to go to the hospital..."
"You what!?"


"We can place him on the transplant list, but I believe it will be too risky from inflammation then, if worst comes to worst we will remove the target inflammation section."
"What number is he on this list?"
"Around 26, these people will take around 3 months if we are lucky."
"Guys- I- I don't feel well, I- " he wraps an arm around his aching stomach, trying to soothe the gurgling organ.
"Ok um, put him on the list I'll have to call you back, bye." He hangs up with the doctor suddenly, and moves to take care of the poor one."shhh, you're okay."
"I- I feel sick."
"I know you do bunny but we put you on the list okay?"

JungKook's stomach is bubbling so bad that Yoongi can hear it from across the hall and makes his way into the room.
"Yikes, your stomach must really be messed up."
"No freaking kidding," He gags, "I want to die."
"You will die because Jin will murder you if you puke on his carpets."
"Then i'll puke on the carpets."

Jin is not very pleased with this idea, and grabs the nearby bucket and places it under JungKook's chin.
"I'm not actually going to vomit. I just am nauseous."
"With you, we never know." JungKook gags again, bringing up nothing but spitting into the bowl. The next gag however you could call it 'productive' if you were desperate. He somewhat chokes on it, bringing a stream of thick red liquid into the bowl.

"What the-"
"Owwww, that hurts my thro-" He gags again, bringing up more of the bloody substance.
"Hospital! Yoongi hospital!"
"I'm getting the keys!" Jimin enters the room, as well as TaeHyung, Namjoon and Hoseok panicked.
"What's happening?" They all yell, syncronised.
"Kookie just threw up blood!"
"Oh my gosh, take him to the hospital!" Jimins shouts.
"Guys, all this yelling isn't going to help, I'm sure they are going and we will get this all figured out."

Yoongi comes back with the keys, and Jin carries Jungkook into the car sitting in the back seat with him. Jungkook at this point is almost passed out, tired from the events that just occurred.

"We need to remove a portion of his liver or else he won't last the night."
"He won't last? What do you mean?"
"Sir, this infection is life threatening and we are fixing it without a transplant for the time being."
"Hurry please!" Jin somewhat yells are the surgeon rushing out the room with Jungkook on a stretcher.


The surgery was successful, Jungkook is better. He will suffer from life long stomach issues, and motion sickness, but as long as his health isn't in any major danger, he doesn't care. All the muscle pains have gone away, as well as any of the other symptoms of this disease. His stomach acts up sometimes, like when he eats late at night, or if the food is too hard to digest. He doesn't eat as much anymore, but that's expected. He also had to have some of his stomach removed, as the infection had spread, that part was also successful. His transplant has been cancelled, since there is a risk of internal bleeding after it, and Jungkook is fine with his current condition. The boys take good care of him, and makes sure he is eating good. With tons of rest and careful eating habits, Jungkook will be back at it preforming in less than a week. Big Hit is also releasing a statement about Jungkook's condition;

Hello Armys,
This statement is regarding Jungkook's condition, last month he was false diagnosed with Hepatitis type B, his condition 'improved' with the medication, later finding out that this was an infection spreading. His true diagnosis was type C, and he was rushed to emergency surgery within 2 weeks. Jungkook is healed and will be in the next concert, although sitting out, taking precautions. Thank you for caring about the maknae, Jungkook and we hope to see you at the next concert.

-BigHit Entertainment

And here he is, in 2 weeks sitting in a chair at a concert is Sydney, Australia.

"Hello Army!"

Cheers erupt from the stands as well as from Jungkook's members. This concert is going to be great.


Ok! I love this, hehe. And omg this book is almost at 10k reads like WHAT? Thank you so much for reading this book, and have a great day everyone! I wish there was more I could say but I have nothing and don't want to bore you. Love you all!!! <3

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