Chapter 14: Date to Impress

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Yoongi was very nervous as he tried to come up with ideas of where to take you on your first date. He needed to impress you, not just anything would do. Dinner? Too Dull. Coffee? Too repetitive. Museum? Did you even like art? Piano concert? Too formal.

He knew you liked music and literature and, surprisingly, that was all. He should have asked more questions, he realized as you were the talker and he was the listener most of the time. Yoongi suddenly remembered the upcoming annual Bosu-dong Culture Festival.

That was over 3 hours away from Seoul though. Would it be too much to ask if you took a day trip there? He tapped his fingers on his desk as he tried to decide what to do, it was the perfect date for you. One of the best streets for book lovers, full of shops with secondhand hidden gems and snug coffee shops. And with the festival there were extra activities too.

"Hey, it's Yoongi" he messaged you. He was going all out, he had to give it a shot.

"Would you be willing to go down to Busan for the Bosu-dong Festival?" he immediately sent the follow up message. He wasn't going to wait around to awkwardly start small talk.

"I've always wanted to go, yes! I'm in" you replied shortly after and he smiled at his phone like an idiot. Jungkook chuckled from the other side of the sofa and Yoongi gave him a side-glare as he was staring amused. The maknae quickly looked away pretending he wasn't.

"Okay, let me take you there on our date" he quickly replied.

"How are we gonna get there?" you asked.

"I can drive us there, if you'd be okay with that" there were other options, but he wanted to avoid public transport. The last thing he needed was to be sighted and have his date ruined.

"Sounds good!" you were so excited, it was going to be one hell of a date. You were already looking forward to it, you weren't expecting anything out of the ordinary for your first date. Maybe dinner or the movies, something classic.

"Where should I pick you up? It's this weekend, what day works for you?" you forwarded him your address and made plans for Saturday. For a moment, after a week had passed and you hadn't heard from Yoongi after you came across him, you had worried he was having second thoughts.

You were glad he actually wasn't, you were about to feel disappointed when his message about the festival came in, as if you'd summoned him with your thoughts. He didn't drop by the coffee shop that week and that gave you a really bad feeling.

"Hey Yoongi! I didn't see you today, are you okay?" you were feeling rather insecure, you usually didn't read this much into things. Having had him walk away twice though, you couldn't help but go in a little panic.

He read your message and smiled to himself, had you been waiting for him? Were you looking after him? His heart swelled at the thought that you even had room in your thoughts for him. "Yes, sorry, I just wanted to catch up with work to take Saturday off" he reassured you everything was fine.

You felt relieved and a little silly for contemplating every possibility under the sun in your head. Was he sick? Did he change his mind? Was he avoiding you again? Did he have an accident? You laughed softly at yourself.

On Saturday morning, you woke up early to take a shower, put make up on which you weren't really an expert at and pick a nice outfit. Anyone would choose their clothes in advance, but you didn't have time for that.

You ended up going for an oversized navy blue sweater, a chunky scarf with a matching beanie in grey, dark grey leggings and black high heel brogue shoes. You weren't a super girly girl, but you hoped this was cute enough. You went with a smokey eye look, your specialty.

Yoongi texted you when he was outside your building and waited for you to come down. He told you what his car was like and where he was parked and turned off the engine to wait. His hands were sweaty and he was nervous again. He wiped them on his jeans.

He had made an effort with his outfit, you usually saw him with a casual comfortable every day look for work. He had a few things Namjoon, Hobi and Taehyung had gifted him on different occasions and since they were good with that, he hoped they were good choices.

He wore black skinny jeans torn at the knees with a simple belt, a fitted black shirt, a suit jacket, black sneakers and a gold pride of Scotland checkered scarf with a maroon beanie to match. It would add a touch of color, Taehyung had mentioned when he said he wore too much black as he opened the present.

Yoongi flicked his tongue nervously as he checked himself in the rear-view mirror and brushed the hair off his eyes. He wondered if he should have picked a pair of glasses to go with the look, but he hoped he was properly dressed for a date. He had never paid this much attention to his clothes, he just wore what he liked and fit decently.

It was a long trip, what were you going to talk about? He had armed himself with tons of music to cover the 3 hour ride, to avoid any awkward silences. However, he was mentally prepared to try and talk a little more to learn more about you since he had realized he didn't know nearly enough.

He finally saw you approaching the car through the mirror and he swallowed hard. You looked completely different without your work clothes and with make up on. Your fierce smokey eyes instantly stood out to him, he was really digging the look.

Your outfit was very relaxed, he blushed at the thought that you sort of matched one another. You were wearing dark colors as well and a matching beanie and scarf. With all the chunky warm clothes you looked rather small and it made him chuckle at how endearing he found that.

When you saw him you waved, he smiled and raised his hand licking his lips anxiously. His eyes were fixed on you as he saw you walk around the car. Your hips swayed sexily and it was noticeable even with the oversized top covering them. How? Yoongi was in awe.

You opened the passenger's door and climbed on with a bright smile. He saw the high heel shoes responsible for your killer walk. Yoongi looked at you in the eye without blinking, he didn't know what to say.

"Hey Yoongi, I like your outfit" you offered giggling at his staring. It didn't really make you nervous, it was rather cute. He finally blinked and looked down blushing.

"Hey, you don't look bad yourself" he quickly side-glanced at you with a side smile as he started the engine and fixed his mirror ready to drive off. You smiled bashfully.

He facepalmed himself mentally, you looked fucking amazing, but he didn't dare say that. He was glad you had liked his choice of clothes, it made him feel more at ease at least in one of many aspects. Yoongi stole a few glances at you as you were quiet.

He cleared his throat awkwardly "do you want to pick some background music?" he said, he was still determined to make conversation eventually.

"Oh, sure, what do you have?" you looked at him with excited sparkly eyes, he couldn't help the small smile that drew itself on his lips. He nodded his head to the glove compartment

"I have a folder with a whole bunch of compilations to pick from" he said "I put them together for the long trip" he added self-consciously.

"Aw, that's so sweet of you" you affectionately brushed your fingers lightly on his hand on the gearshift. He tapped his fingers on the wheel nervously. So soft, he thought at the feeling of your skin.

Yoongi gulped, three hours of being with his heart in his mouth. He could do this, he had to, he thought to himself trying to gather some confidence.

 He could do this, he had to, he thought to himself trying to gather some confidence

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