The birds of the league

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Unstoppable, that's the only word we can attribute to these monsters. A few hours ago the Justice League had announced that they were going to take on and arrest Darkseid once and for all, but it didn't have the effect that the Titans were hoping for. Barely 2 hours after the departure of the heroes, a boom tunnel opened a few kilometres from the tower and from this tunnel came out paradooms by the dozens. The Titans fought like they had never fought before, but even with their wills that could impress the Greens Lantern , they fell one after the other so that they would only end up with Robin, Raven, Nightwing and Superboy. Whereas Robin was pushed back by one of the paradooms, his brother Nightwing takes him by behind to prevent him from advancing but the monster throws him on the ground, breaking some ribs. A spike sprang from the arm of abomination and was about to pierce Dick's heart.

- "No!" Damian shouted in Robin's suit, throwing an explosive batarang on the paradoom, praying to be able to save his brother.

By miracle (or the author's will, it's up to you to decide), the paradoom receded on his arms, which gave Damian time to rush to his brother and pick him up to escape.

- "Thank you, little brother" said Dick with his characteristic smile

- "Don't thank me yet, Raven!! teleport us to Nanda Parbat now!!" informs Robin before receiving a yes from Raven's head

Before she had time to teleport these friends, he saw a paradoom bursting on them.

- "Dick, Damian, look out!" announces Raven

Barely time to think, Damian pushes his brother a second time. While he was proud to have saved his brother, he felt an indescribable pain just realizing that he had lost his left arm.

- "Arghhhhh!!!!!!"

- "DAMIAN NO!" Shouts Nightwing

Coming to his senses, Raven cast his spell and they found themselves in the courtyard of the League of Assassins where Lady Shiva was.

- "Who dares enter the shrine of Ra's al ghul!" she exclaimed, drawing her sword and pointing it at the portal.

she saw three people coming out of the portal, she saw a witch, an adult with a bird on her chest, and before recognizing the third person, she heard the voice of the last of the al ghul. 

- "Lady Shiva, take me to the well of Lazarus, NOW!!!" shouted Damian holding his wound

- "Immediately, what are we doing of them?" she asks wearing Damian

- "Tell the assassins to prepare their apartments and the nurses. "

 After Dick and Raven's wounds were treated, they went to Damian's apartments where he could see Lady Shiva guarding the door. - "Is my brother all right?" asks Dick, anxious for his brother to see him in such a serious condition when his mission was to protect him.

- "So you're Dick Grayson, your brother's all right, his arm was able to regenerate from the well of Lazarus. " - "Is he awake?" asks Raven this time

- "Yes, he's getting ready to tell the league some news"

- "And what is that news?"

- I'm going to be the next Ra's al ghul," Damian announces as he leaves the room in his grandfather's armour.

Seeing his brother coming out, Dick throws himself on him and hugs him.

- "Dick, as much as I like the way you love me, can you stop?"

- "Sorry. "

- "I don't want to break up your reunion, but what are we going to do now?" asks Raven having a thought to all their friends who fell. 

- "For my part, I'll stay here and I'd love you to stay too", Damian told Nightwing and Raven

As they watched him shocked by what he just said, they knew that they should remain united to survive what he's going to follow. While Raven was still thinking, his friend and mentor advances to his brother and puts his hand on his shoulder. 

- "My duty as a brother is to protect you, little D, and if I have to follow you into what Bruce might consider hell, I will", Nightwing says with a smile

- "Thank you, brother, and you, Raven?"

Not knowing what will happen and not willing to listen to the words of his father, who promised Damian's death, also advances towards Damian.

 - "I'm with Damian. " 

- "Thank you, I think it's high time to start this new life", Damian announces as he heads towards the court with his brother and his friend beside him. 

Here's what for me the "and if Dick had survived part I", I announce that there will be part II of this story as with that of Batman Damian. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll leave you with a little hint on the next story.

 I hope you enjoyed it and I'll leave you with a little hint on the next story

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