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Damian: I'm going to patrol with you, Father.

Batman: No!

Damian: But why?

Batman, show where is Nightwing who is about to jump: That's why!


Raven, look at Stephanie, Kara, Cassandra and Mar'i: So you're waiting for Damian?

Kara: Yeah, you too?

Raven: Of course, we're dating.

Stephanie, Kara, Cassandra and Mar'i in unison: So are we!


Batman: You're too violent Jason

Jason: Say the guy who almost killed me for trying to kill Cobblepott and failing


Tim: Where's my coffee?

Duke: There's more.

Tim looks with rage: WHO FINISHED MY COFFEE!

Duke, exasperated: You


Jon: I'm glad I'm your best friend

Damian: You Begged me to do it by holding on to my leg for three days. EVERYONE WASHING WHY YOU ARE AS IT! !

Jon: But for me, it was worth it

Damian: I'll kill you.


Dick: Tim, how's Conner?

Tim: He's fine

Dick: I'm glad you're best friends.

Tim: He's not my best friend.

At the Kents

Conner, shout all over the house: HOW? ? ? ? ?


Titus: WOAF WOAF WOAF ( I think our master is upset)

Alfred the cat: MIAOU MIAOU ( What's that telling you?)

Titus: WOAF WOAF ( He hasn't noticed us since this morning)

Goliath: RRR RRR RRR (I think I know who's in charge. )

Titus, Alfred the cat, Goliath: WOAF, MIAOU, RRR (JASON TODD !)


Bruce, to Jason and Damian: Why, did you kill those criminals?

Jason: But we didn't kill anybody.

Damian: It's true Father, they died of natural causes.

Bruce: being crushed by a 200 kg rock is not natural in the middle of the city

Damian/Jason: There was a storm! So it's natural.


Damian to Raven: You are mine forever.

Raven: And you're mine too

The next day

Daughter: Damian, you're mine!

Raven appears out of nowhere: NO! He's mine, bitch!

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