The True Justice :

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Members of the bat here is the new chapter. The ending might surprise you

A noise echoed in an empty warehouse, followed by the laughter of a madman. This laughter was cut off by the voice of an angry person.

- "Where is He? Joker !!"

- "Ah! Ah! It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't get it out, Ah! Ah!" said the Joker, pretending to think

He was slammed against a wall before being hit again by a metal object that made him steal a few teeth.

- "I'm telling you, Joker, tell me where he is or you'll rest in a coffin with that crowbar" Yells at the young man, hitting him again in the left knee

- "Oh! my little bird, why would I want to join, I'm well out in the open air, besides my grandparents wouldn't want to see me anytime soon, Ah! Ah! Ah!" laughs the Joker

Robin was going to give him another shot before stopping and connecting the dots, he knew that his father had adopted him and that it would make him a son and thus his grandparents would also be his own. His mind finally figured out where the Joker's victim was. Furious, he took the end of crowbar and went to plant it in the clown's torso before a stern voice called him.

- "ROBIN !!"

He turned around and saw Batman, who came forward and kept on talking to him

- "We don't kill!"

- "Even now? Are you kidding me? how many times will -Will you let him live?" asks Robin angry

- "Even if he deserves to die, justice must judge him!" declares Batman still imposing

- "Your Justice is not working, my Justice will solve the problem once and for all!"

- "So, you're no better than Jason or Ra's and you're not worthy to be Robin." announces by pointing to the symbol

- "Well, lock up that freak, I'll get him!" grunts Robin annoyed before leaving

- "We'll talk about it later."

With these words, Robin rushes in Gotham as fast as he could, he didn't know how much time he had left, he had to save him, after all he was a brother in arms and his brother. In four minutes he found himself in front of the tomb where it was written :

Jason Peter Todd

He began to clear the ground with his hands, the action took him little time since the coffin was barely deep. He opened the door of the coffin and saw Jason curled up on himself. There were two things Damian couldn't stand, hurting helpless animals and especially seeing his brother like that.

- "Jason ! Jason ! It's me, it's Damian" calls the latter shaking his brother

This one looks up and sees Damian, worried and trying to reassure him.

- "Jason, it's okay, you're alive and I'm here, just try to relax, okay"

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