Batman: The Demon and The Hood

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You wanted it, and I did it with pain. 1 and a half months to make this one-shot but I did it and I say the next story will be a Damiare, a small but a Damiare. do not hesitate to suggest me to come up with an idea as story for a Damiare. I would also like to thank you since you are 1,700 readers including more than 250 for the first story, thank you. Here's the story.

Previously in Batman: Death of the Demon:

- "Damian, son, save yourself!" exclaimed Bruce as he saw his son fall to the ground

- "Son, get up and run!" Shouts Talia

- "I must say, grandson of the demon, that in this fight you have done honour to the lineage of Al Ghul but now your end has come" announces the heretic as he lifts Damian's body and picks up his katana

- "NO! DON'T DARE TOUCH MY SON" shouts Bruce and Talia as they try to get up

- "You have failed and now suffer the consequences" says heretic

BAM !!

One noise, one gun sound, and it all stops. The heretic did not move, he could not speak, nor finish what he had begun. The hold of his hands let go, releasing Robin and the sword, and fell heavily to the ground, dead. Damian instinctively looked at the source of the noise and saw a man standing on a broken glass. He couldn't make out big things about this man's equipment except that he was wearing some kind of red helmet that covered his head. He saw him pointing what he assumed was a gun at him, knowing that he might have hit his target.

- "I could kill you if I wanted to but you and your mother didn't suffer enough for what you did to me. Soon you and your mother will be paying the Al Ghul Prize!" howls the unknown

The heroes' eyes widened, they knew the people in the suit, they knew that Damian and Talia were Al Ghul. The man's gun was put back in his pocket and he left by jumping out the window. The batfamily was now alone in the building with the body of the heretic, Damian slowly headed towards his parents but he staggered and fell to the ground heavily. Bruce and Talia shouted their son's name but he didn't answer, he was unconscious. At the same time, they heard a groan at the other end of the room and, turning their heads, saw Dick awake.

- "Mmh, Huh, what happened? Bruce!" call he rising quickly but growls in pain and continues to rise slowly

He moves to the center of the building to see, the heretic on the ground, dead, the extended body of Robin as well as the wounded bodies of Talia and Bruce who are still conscious. He heads towards Damian's body, but before measuring his pulse, Batman's voice calls out to him.

- "Nightwing's okay, Robin's alive. Contact Alfred and tell him to prepare the operating tables and also contact Oracle to bring us back."

- "All right!" he activates his communicator and after hearing Alfred's voice he transmits Batman's orders to him.

At the end of the discussion, he contacted Oracle and did the same thing with Alfred. Barely the call completed, the Batmobile passes through the door of Wayne Tower and stops next to Bruce. This one was difficult to fit into the driver's seat and also helps Talia to get into the passenger seat. As for Nightwing, he took Robin's unconscious body in his arms and noticed that he was not wearing his usual costume but Jason's. His expression went from very worried to sad, he hadn't been there to save Jason and if Damian had died, he wouldn't have done anything to help him, he would have let another Robin die. He installed it in the back seat and Batman activated the autopilot before sinking into the unconscious.

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