The food bandit (chapter twentyone)

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Allura's POV
First person style

So after thirty minutes or so everyone else got back to the forest, with Hop arriving first and Gloria taking the longest, we all set up camp for the night, and Hop and Gloria showed off their newest teammates. And brought out their old ones so they could meet the new guys too.

Hop caught a Pancham, he says he named him Moxie and I can see why. The little guy seems to be very confident in himself.

So much so that i caught Cinder giving him a glare or two. Maybe she took his personality as a threat of some kind. I hope not...

Gloria caught a Ralts, a Caterpie, and a Growlithe. Easy to say she's got the biggest team now, four pokémon at this point I think? The Ralts is named Psy (short for Psychic), the caterpie is Flutter, and the Growlithe is Blaze.

Gloria said that she wanted to find a different name for Psy because she didn't really think it fits the pokémon. I told her that I thought it was fine but told her that Tess might be a good name for the Ralts and Hop said that he thought that Psy was good enough.

After a bit of thought the Ralts was renamed Tess. It didn't really seem to care, when Gloria told it "Hey buddy, we're going to call you Tess now is that okay with you?" the Ralts shrugged and gave a thumbs up motion. Which Gloria took as a yes.

• • •

After we and the pokémon went around to each other to greet one another, for those who haven't met, we all get settled into our camping spot for the night and where sitting on logs waiting for Gloria to finish the curry for everyone. I've never had that before but it's supposed to taste good so I guess I'll try it.

While we where waiting we each told each other what we did with our time apart. Sometimes the pokémon would try to say something too but they often got cut off, I think Hop and Gloria Just thought they where making noise for no reason.

Some of the pokémon where just sitting around while others when off but not too far to do their own thing. Mimikyu, Flutter, Tempo, and Blaze where the ones who walked off.

Tempo was in the trees and Flutter was crawling up the trunk to join him, Blaze was sniffing around and digging at stuff while Mimikyu was off in the shadows somewhere. I lost track of her after a while.

Hop was the first to tell everyone what he did "Me and my team didn't go too far from here, we just wandered around some place by here and saw this guy." Hop said putting a hand on the Pancham's head and ruffling it's hair a little.

The panda jerked his head away after a second and straightened up his Mohawk again with his paws and claws. Then he gave Hop and quick glare, mental note; try not to mess up the Pancham's hair do.

"So we saw him and I just knew he belonged with my team so we challenged him to a fight that went on for quite a while. I would have been able to go and catch more but we had to stay in the same battle for a few hours so that didn't happen." Hop said.

Gloria raised a brow "A few hours? How did your pokémon not faint the whole time?" She asked, I wandered the same thing so I just listened "lots of potions and a revive. And now I'm out of healing stuff. But it was worth it, 'cuz we got a pretty strong one."

{Of course you did. What else would you expect from me?} the Pancham scoffed like he was a little offended but that Hop would think otherwise.

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