Chapter nine (busted.)

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Allura's pov  3rd person

After about a half hour Allura woke up again. She rubbed her eyes with her hand and sat up. She would have stood up too but she still felt pretty light headed so she stayed on the ground.
She felt something nudge her side so she turned around and saw it was Mimikyu.
"Mimi! Mi-Kyu..!"
{Allura! You're alive, oh I thought you'd never wake up!}  she said in a shaking voice that made it sound like she had been crying. Allura picked the little ghost up and pulled her close to her chest in a hug.
"Of course I'm alright. I wouldn't leave you like that." She told her before looking around for everyone else.

Hop and Gloria where only a few feet away, they where both standing up already and talking with one another. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked her with a concerned tone. She nodded her head to assure him that she was alright. Allura sighed in relief knowing that everyone was ok but then she realized that Cinder wasn't accounted for.
She said looking around for the spotted rabbit but she was no where to be seen. "Oh no, what if one of those wolves took her what if?-"
Then she was cut off by a shout from farther down the forest's path.

"Hop, Gloria, and Allura!"
A man's voice called. Allura immediately recognized it as Leon's voice. She was glad to see him but at the same time she wasn't. She looked up at Hop to find a guilty expression on his face as he turned to face his older brother who walked up to them with his Charizard behind him. The Charizard placed down a Wooloo that it was carrying in its mouth.

{I coulda walked ya know!} it bleated at the Charizard. Charizard paid it no mind. Allura saw that Leon was carrying Cinder with him by the ears. She was relived today see she was ok. Leon looked at them all with a stern face, Allura just held onto Mimikyu a little bit tighter as she prepared to be scolded, but to her surprise Hop was the first to speak.

"Lee? How did you find your way all the way out here? You're pants with directions! How did you not get lost!" The boy exclaimed "Oh, that's nice to hear from the younger brother who had me worried sick!" Leon said back "I'd been waiting ages for you three and you never showed up! Then of course I had to come looking for you guys... and what better a place to find you guys then the one place I've always warned to steer clear of! Hop, it's one thing to put your self in danger but why would you drag these two with you?"

"Sorry Lee but we had to find the Wooloo, I only planed to come here with Gloria at first, honest. I had no idea that Allura followed us in, I mean, I heard Gloria talking with someone when we ran into the dogs...but..." Hop explained, not making eye contact with his older brother.
Then Leon looked at them all again. Then he closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath as if to calm himself. "It's okay I guess. Luckily no one was hurt. You all had just fainted by the time I found you." Leon said in a slightly calmer sounding voice. "So you're not mad then?" Gloria asked. Leon shook his head.
"No not really, I was just a worried when I saw you all passed out. But please for the love of pokémon big and small, don't do anything this heart attack inducing again. Alright?" Gloria and Hop nodded while Allura nodded while saying "no promises..." under her breath. "Good." Leon said before walking over to Allura and handing Cinder over to her. "I believe this little one belongs to you?" He said before he let Cinder's ears go and the rabbit landed on her feet in front of Allura.
"Cinder! I'm glad you're-" Cinder ran up to Allura and hugged her. Mimikyu hopped out of the way to avoid being squished by the hug.
{I thought you where dead..!} she whimpered. Allura hugged her back "Hey it's ok! Please don't cry! I'm alright, see?" She said in a soft tone. Cinder pulled herself away from her trainer and whipped off her eyes {I know... I'm sorry for crying...}
Allura stood up holding Cinder in her arms like a baby doll.
"It's alright. Nothing to apologize for."
She said. Cinder hopped onto Allura's shoulders in a way that made it look like she was getting a piggyback ride.

{Heey, that my spot...} she heard Mimikyu say.
Leon walked a few paces in the detection to get out of the forest before turning back around to face everyone "But before we leave, what 'dog Pokémon' where you talking about Hop?" "Oh right, when me and Gloria came into the woods to the the Wooloo this thick fog started rolling in. And right when it was too thick to see your hand in front of your face this blue dog pokémon came out out of no where. And a little bit later a red one came out. They fought us for a little while and then they made more fog and we all blacked out... But it was really weird while they where here. They just seemed to have this weird presence around them... plus they where way stronger then any pokémon I've ever seen. The moves we threw at it just phased right through it." Hop explained.

"Your moves passed right through it?" Leon echoed Hop's words, but in a more confused tone. "So the rumors of the fierce pokémon that live in these woods are true... strange that they're actually illusions. If you all get strong enough maybe one of you can be the ones to reveal the truth someday. But for now we should get out of here. You three should be safe not that you're with me."
He said before continuing down the rest of the path. After a few minutes Hop's face lit up once more with the same energy he had when Allura first met him. "Well even if we almost got an earful from Lee, what a great experience! This will make a fine page in the tale of my legend!" He said proudly. Gloria laughed a little behind her hand at this. Then the three walked out of the forest together with Leon in the lead.

Word count: 1097

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