Chapter five (The starter fight)

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Allura stood aside, near the champion to watch Gloria and Hop's pokémon battle. Gloria sent out her Sobble and Hop sent out his Wooloo.
"Misty, use pound!"
Gloria commanded. Misty balled up her little fist and punched the fluffy sheep pokémon . Wooloo was knocked off balance for a moment but it quickly regained its balance.
"Wooloo, tackle attack!"
Hop said. The sheep curled itself up in a ball and rolled into Gloria's Sobble. [-8 damage.]
The fight was fairly tedious considering that neither one of the pokémon where very strong. On top of that; both of them only had one attack move so it was just Hop and Gloria shouting the same commands over and over until finally Hop's Wooloo fainted for the second time today. It flopped over onto its side and Hop put it back in its pokéball.
"Alright Tempo, you're up!"
The Grookey was already out of his pokéball so he just hopped into the small battle field.
"Sobble, water gun!"
Gloria commanded. The blue lizard filled its cheeks up with water before blasting it at Tempo. The blast was strong enough to knock Tempo back a little but it really didn't do much else.
"Oh right, water's weak to grass..."
Gloria said face palming herself.
"Sob? Sobble..!"
{Weak? Oh no, we're gonna loose..! I should've known I wasn't strong enough!}

Misty whined as her eyes welled up with tears and her lip began to tremble.
"Grookey, now's your chance- use scratch!"
Hop said. At that moment Tempo lunged at Misty and whacked her in the face with his stick. Misty fell over and closed its eyes. Hop and Tempo win!
Misty sat up after a few seconds
{You didn't have to be so rough!}
She complained
{yeah, sorry mate.... I kinda got carried away. Heh}
Tempo said rubbing the back of his head. Once he tucked his stick back into the leafs on his head he extended a hand to help Sobble up. Sobble took his hand "Sob."
{thanks.} She said.

Tempo nodded his head to say no problem before walking back over to Hop who sprayed him with a potion to restore his health.
"Alright Allura, it's your turn."
Hop said, clearly challenging her. Allura assumed that she didn't have a choice so she switch places with Gloria and her Scorbunny switched spots with Misty. The spotted rabbit started hopping from one foot to the other with a determined look on her face. Allura just assumed it meant she was ready so she didn't pay it any mind.

Hop sent out Grookey once more. Allura didn't know that much about type match ups but she did know that fire's strong against grass, so for her very first command she said
"Cinder, Ember attack!"
Cinder leaned her head back dramatically before holding it up normally again to deliver one of the weakest embers Allura had ever seen. It was so weak that it didn't even make it to Tempo, it just burned out in midair...
"...What the heck was that?!"
Allura said, her voice cracking out of disbelief
"Scor! Sorbun.."
{Well I'm sorry— but I'm still working on that attack! I'm only level five, give me a break...}
Cinder snapped back impatiently
{Right now I can use tackle and growl. Just say one of those for now.}
She said in a calmer voice.
Allura was mostly unfazed by the hare yelling at her, instead of acting hurt she just said her next command
"Alright then- tackle attack!"
She said. Cinder ran up to Tempo and slammed her weight into him elbow first so it would knock the monkey onto the ground
"Tempo, branch poke!"
Hop commanded. Grookey jabbed his stick into Cinder's side where her ribs should be. He must have it a pressure point or something because Cinder's eyes widened and her bent ear shot straight up before she leaped off of him.
Cinder took a moment to rub her side with her paw
She muttered.

"Cinder, tackle again!"
Cinder charged after Tempo again, this time a little faster then the first time. She slammed into him again, and it was a critical hit. Grookey stumbled back before falling out onto his back, he was defeated.

Hop walked over to his partner and returned him to his pokéball in a flash of red light.
"You did great."
He said to the ball once it Tempo was gone.
"Scooor! Scorbunny!"
{wooohoo! Victory!}
Cinder shouted in triumph.
{Alright- who's next?! Who dares to oppose the mighty level six fire starter?!}
She continued energetically.
Allura walked up and patted Cinder on the head
"I think that's enough fighting for one day."
She told her. Cinder pushed her hand off and said
{Are you kidding? I could go at least four more rounds!}
"Okey then, when we continue on the trail I'll let you handle all of the other trainers, sound good?"

{Did I miss anything important?}
Mimikyu said coming back over to them with some buttercups she gathered.
{Only the best battle to ever take place, but other then that not too much.} Cinder explained
"Mi, mimikyu."
{Oh darn, too bad I didn't see it.}
Mimikyu said in a tone that made it obvious that she didn't really mean what she said.

[Okey, this is kind of a weird spot to end this chapter but I have no idea hat to make to continue it from this point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
As always, I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter.]
Word count: 922

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