Chapter two (the letter)

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Allura's POV
3rd person style

Allura and mimikyu where standing at the back of the crowd watching the crowd cheer as this man in a soccer uniform with a red cape lined with yellow fur strike a pose next to his Charizard. When he did this some of the kids in the crowd copied him.
Gloria and Hop where at the front of the crowd. The man in the red cape talked to the people in the crowd for a minute before going to speak to Gloria. Allura barely paid attention to any of it, she was still trying to find out who this guy was. Every now and again someone in the crowd would say something and then mention the name 'Leon'.
"Who's Leon..?"
She said to herself. Right after some of the younger people in the crowd looked at her as if she'd just committed a crime. She looked at them wondering if she should run, then that's when one of them said.
"You don't know about the amazing Leon?!"
"Uhm, no? Is that a bad thing?"
"Well yeah!" Another kid said "he's only the Galar region's champion! The most powerful trainer in the whole region!"
She exclaimed.
Allura wanted to say something but the roar of the Charizard distracted her.
She didn't pay much attention until she noticed that mimikyu was no longer by her side.
She said to herself frantically looking around for the little ghost. It didn't take long for her to realize that mimikyu was next to the Charizard. The two where having a... lively conversation.
[Oh please, I can crush you with my tail.]
The dragon-looking Pokémon growled.
Right afterwards Mimikyu hissed something back
{Oh yeah? I'll slit your throat!-} she whipped out her black claws, ready for battle. -{Come 'ere!}
Allura rushed to the front of the crowd and picked mimikyu up. She hugged her tightly to protect her from the Charizard and to protect the Charizard from her sharp claws. Allura backed up from Charizard with mimikyu held close to her chest.
Charizard didn't look like it was really going to attack, he just glared at Mimikyu who looked the bigger Pokémon in the eyes and returned the harsh stare.
Then that's when Leon came between the three of them "Charizard! What's gotten into you? We don't attack our fans." Leon told him. The dragon-looking Pokémon just rolled his eyes and looked away from Leon. Leon just sighed and turned to face Allura.
"Do you have any idea what happened here?" He said so that only she could hear.
"Um, sorry sir, I-I don't have a clue."
{I was about to beat his tail, that's what was about to-}
Allura covered her mouth with her hand
"Shut, up!"
She whispered through her teeth.
"Well, no body got hurt. So I guess it's all right."
He said with a shrug.
"Um..."- Allura hesitated for a second then continued-" Y-You're uh, 'Leon' right?"
The man held his head high
"The one and only!" He responded proudly. "You're also the champion, correct?"
"Of course."
"Well I just want to know; what would I have to do to challenge you? Just for a Pokémon battle."
At the moment she wasn't really thinking of battling him, she was just curious.
Leon laughed a little under his breath "I like your bravery kid,"- he ruffled her hair a little- " first time seeing the champ and you ask to battle. If you really want a chance to fight me you'll have to complete a thing called the gym challenge. Then you'd need to battle your way through the Pokémon league. Then if you make it to the end you'll get the chance to battle me and maybe even become the next champion if you beat me."
He explained.
Allura nodded her head and Leon continued.
"But your Pokémon seem to have a good fighting spirit and I think you show some potential so you might make it through. But before you can even compete you'll need an endorsement letter." He took a white envelope out of his pocket "lucky for you I've got an extra one right here."
Allura took the letter from his hands, a half smile formed on her face
"It's no problem, just make sure to get that signed by your parents or whoever take care of you and you'll be able to take place in the gym challenge."
"Alright." She nodded.
Leon went over to Gloria and Hop. He talked to them for a minute before giving Gloria an endorsement letter too.
After that the champion came to the front of the crowd, did his pose again from earlier and ran off with his Charizard.
Once he was gone the crowd slowly disappeared.

Allura looked down at the letter. Finally she had something to do. A new goal to complete. At that moment she promised herself to not give up until this new goal was reached.

Word count: 834

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