A new look (Chapter thirteen)

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Allura's POV  

1st person style

Four about a half hour after I got the comb and brush and a few other things I found myself sitting on the couch digging my claws into the arm of the sofa as the professor combed through my hair. Sure every other pull did hurt but I wasn't going to say ouch every few seconds because that just gets annoying.

Instead I just squeezed the arm of the couch and screwed up my face a little to try my best and tough it out for now.

I remember when my sister used to do my hair like this. Well she wasn't really my sister, just a really close friend. but I still thought of her as one.

I still remember her pretty well. She was beautiful tall and thin girl with pale skin. Her eyes where a bright green and her hair was light brown. she always wore a purple dress with a white sweater over it.

I remember her being more of a caretaker towards me then the actual people who where supposed (I spelled it correctly for once-) to take care of us at our foster home. Now if only I can remember her name. ...Sally? Sara..? Or maybe it was So-

Ow! My thoughts where interrupted by the professor pulling on a tangled part my hair. Instead of saying something about it I just sighed and held the arm of the couch a little but tighter.

'Please let her be done soon..!' I pleaded silently, I closed my eyes and just thought of nothing for the rest of the time

It's been a while since I've seen that girl though. I hope she's okay.

• • •

After a few more minutes miss Magnolia tied my hair up and was finally done.

"It's no professional hair do but I think I did a pretty decent job." the professor mention as she removed large clumps of dry hair from the comb and brush with her hands. "There's a mirror in the bathroom if you care to see how it looks."

And with that I nodded and walked upstairs to the same bathroom that I got the brush and comb from. I turned on the lights and looked in the mirror, I was amazed with what I saw.

My hair was tied up into two long and puffy pigtails. My bangs still covered half of my face but they looked a lot straighter and neater then before. I ran my hands through one of my pigtails and felt that my hair was ten times softer. Softer then the softest pillow and silkier then the finest silk you could imagen.

Okay maybe it wasn't that soft but it sure felt that way to me.

I could have stood there for hours longer enjoying the new texture of it but instead I turned off the lights and went back downstairs. I found the professor right where she was sitting when I walked away. I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"Thanks so much!" I told her with clear happiness in my voice. which was a rare thing to hear.

Not that I was never happy or anything I just have a way of almost never smiling and always managed to sound unamused by everything. Even though I was pretty happy most of the time. I guess I'm just a master at the poker face or something. 

The professor seemed quite surprised at this for a few seconds but then her surprise changed into some happy emotion I couldn't describe too well. She halfway hugged me back and told me that I was welcome.

• • •

Another hour passes and the others still haven't arrived.

At this point miss Magnolia has giving me a new outfit and a bag to carry stuff around in. I put my old shirt away into the red and black back pack she gave me.

As for my outfit I'm now wearing a black hoodie that is dark grey in the middle with a long sleeved red shirt underneath. I still have on my black shorts but now I have grey leggings underneath of them. I still don't have any shoes but I don't mind too much, I prefer to be barefooted anyways.

the clothes fit me just enough, they where about a size too big for me but not so big to where they where falling off of me.

Of course afterwards I thanked the professor again but she claimed that it was no trouble because they where just her granddaughters old clothes that didn't fit her anymore. I've been hearing a lot about the professor's daughter so I decided to ask about her. Maybe talking would help to pass the time too.

"So professor M-Magnolia, do you really have a granddaughter? I've been hearing a lot about her but I never really caught her name or anything." I explained.

She looked at me and then started tell me a bit about her "Ah you must mean Sonia. She's like  my little assistant. Her and her little Yamper live not too far from here." she explained "She's studying to become a professor too you know. I'd say she's nearly ready."

I just sat on the floor half listening to her and half watching Mimikyu and Cinder play with the dog toys. The whole time I just couldn't help but wonder what was taking the others so long. Maybe it was the young trainers maybe it was wild pokémon or maybe Leon is just as bad with directions as I've heard but whatever it was I just hoped that it wouldn't keep them for too much longer.

 Maybe it was the young trainers maybe it was wild pokémon or maybe Leon is just as bad with directions as I've heard but whatever it was I just hoped that it wouldn't keep them for too much longer

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word count: 953

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