A prick in the mines (chapter twentysix)

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(Imagine having a consistent upload schedule-

Ok so I think my writing skills improved here, I'm learning about time skips, what to include and what not to to make the story less drawn out. Also dialogue, character arches, and all that fancy other stuff that I probably should have known when I started this. If you all could leave a vote (those little star things) or a comment to tell me if you like this style better that'd be nice. But no pressure, just a read is enough.)

After having rounded up the little Houdini's the trio continued on their way. All was well until Gloria supposedly spotted a shiny pokémon and dragged Hop off with her to get it.

That's alright, solo mission through the mines and finding a good camp site didn't sound too bad to Allura so with her fire bunny, cosplay ghost, and feral cat she went into the mines.

Which might I add were beautifully named Galar Mine 1. They didn't even try did they?

Oh well at least the inside was pretty.

The inside had an earthy smell to its musty air. It wasn't exactly cold in there but it wasn't warm either.

The sounds of pokémon calls, water droplets dripping from the ceiling, and faint echoes of other people bounced off of the walls. The steady *tink* of a pickaxe hitting solid rock sounded rhythmically somewhere in the distance was there too.

It would be Pitch black in here if it wasn't for the industrial lights hung up on the walls. Their yellow light washed over everything, some of those rays even getting caught in the crystals that jutted out of the walls occasionally. This caused them to sparkle with a dazzling light, some were blue, red, and green. But others were colors like pink, white, and even clear. Okay maybe clear isn't much of a color but still.

The ground was just dusty stone. It was mostly flat but there were dips, puddles formed under stalactites that were dripping, and even stalagmites that Allura was sure it avoid. Most didn't look to pointy but she was still barefoot so it was best to just steer clear of them all together.

Ahead of the group was a long tunnel obviously carved out by humans. It had lights lining its bumpy walls and an old rail road track. There wasn't a mine cart on it but Allura could still hear something clacking noisily down it ahead. Maybe there was a cart she just couldn't see?

She'd shrug it off for now.

Mimikyu was absolutely in awe with the crystals sprouting from the walls. She hopped down from Allura's head often to gather some.

She managed to find some purple ones, those were the ones she seemed to favor the most. She harvested a few, and upon closer inspection they looked a lot like quartz crystals. After stuffing a good amount of them in her costume she scurried back over to her trainer with one clutched excitedly in her dark claw.

After making her way up to her shoulder she reached it around to the human's face so she could see it more clearly "Look at what I found!" She said with clear but controlled excitement "It looks like amethyst but I'm not sure." She went on. Allura squinted since the pretty rock was still rather close to her face "Oh yeah it does look like amethyst, kinda dark though." Her trainer observed

Crash! Something loud echoed through the mines from up ahead causing pretty much everyone to flinch.

"Probably Just some clumsy trainer or pokémon, n-n-nothing to worry about I'm sure." Allura said

{Oh yeah your tone sure is convincing} Bandit replied.

"Shush." She lifted him in her arms Kinda rough as another warning that this wasn't the time for his smart replies.

Allura's Pokémon adventure  (yaaay..)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin