Chapter 21 - The Pivotal Point

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"Finally, everyone is back home together now. Let's get dinner started," Rogan's mother said in an exuberant mode as she gestured for the servants to start serving dinner.

The whole dinner setting was just deadly intense, the only sound that could be heard was just the sound of our utensils clanging against the dinnerware. Halfway through dinner, Rogan's father, Owen, suddenly cleared his throat and asked Romeo, "So when are you moving back here?"

Romeo clenched his jaws a little before replying, "I'm fine staying outside."

"Don't be silly, this is your home," Rogan's mother said.

Romeo snickered to himself.

"What's so funny?" Owen finally broke his silence and asked Romeo sternly.The intimidation from Owen got everyone tensed in a brief moment of dead silence.The fear was real but at the same time, I couldn't stay silent while watching Romeo being butchered emotionally by his parents. I felt terrible about what he has to stomach at this moment.

But before I could get a chance to say anything, Rogan broke his silence before me, "Father, I'm sure that's not what he meant."

I was heartened that Rogan did not leave his brother in a lurch and that made me felt relieved that he might not be what Romeo claimed him to be.

"Rogan is right. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way," Romeo breaks into a smile and apologised but what I saw in his glistened eyes were not of joy but pain.

Then Romeo continued to explain, "I'm staying right next to Jared's apartment for the time being because it's more convenient for me to catch up with him on work stuff. After all, I have been out of the office for quite a while. Besides, the faster I get back into the game, the sooner I can relieve Rogan from having to shoulder a dual CEO role between two companies. I'm sure Rogan would appreciate that right?"

"Don't worry, Romeo, there is no rush for you to get back for now. With Juliette around, I can handle it," Romeo responded as he stretched his arm behind me and winked at me with a smile."Your brother is right. I have got better plans for you in Dublin," Owen said.

What?! He hasn't given up on the idea of banishing Romeo to Dublin?! I can't believe my ears that Romeo was right about Owen.

I cleared my throat immediately and cut into their conversation to salvage Romeo from being banished to Dublin, "Actually it has been quite a toll on me lately, given that I had to shuffle between the Leclaires and the Morgans. I certainly do think Romeo could be of a great pair of helping hands to Rogan while I'm not around."

Rogan seems slightly taken aback by my sudden suggestion while Romeo immediately added on, "I'm sure Rogan wouldn't mind me sticking around to help right?"

There was this slight tinge of hesitation from the uneasy expression of Rogan before he accepted Romeo's idea with a smile and gave Romeo a toast as he raised the glass of wine in his hand, "Of course, I wouldn't mind. Here's a thank to you in advance."

Double Trouble - Romance with the Twins (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن