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"your in........ A memory........... Fog.......... Dear" the voice said I turned around and I saw a woman with same color hair with mine, her face was sad but smiling like she was relieved on something.

"um..... D-do I know you? And who are you c-alling dear?" I asked her in a shaky voice.. Of course I was a bit scared but I gather my strength and managed to ask her that question.

"so I it's true that you don't remember anything huh sweetie?" the woman said and still I was very confused.

"w-what do you mean I don't remember anything?" I replied to her and she got a bit sad.

"eek! I-I'm sorry I-it's just, I'm confused of your question, anyway can I ask you a question?" I asked her and she looked up to me.

"go ahead I'm listening" she said and sat down on the foggy ground, I sat down and ask her.

"why are you saying dear and sweetie to me? That's only for those kids who had parents but I don't have one, so why call me those names?" I asked her and she giggled a bit, I was confused.

"well you see..... I'm your mother y/n" she said and place her hand on her chest with a smile on her face, I was confused and replied.

"but like I said I don't have parents I dont even know I have one, so how come you're my mother if I can't remember anything about you?" I asked her and she stood up, I stood up with a confused face. She walked closer to me and HUG ME!? I was shocked on her actions and said in a sweet tone.

" let me show yiu"she said and everything went so bright I couldn't see a thing I closed my eyes and opened them to my surprise I was in a different place but with the woman beside me. What I saw infront of me that it was a little girl playing with a familiar silver hair boy and a familiar pudding hair boy,on the tree I saw 2 adults smiling at the children.

"um where am I?" I asked the woman.

"this is you're past sweetheart, infront of you is YOU and your playmates named Lev and KENMA " with those names I realized that I was childhood friends with lev and kenma.... My past self was having fun.

(this is what happened to her backstory)

Little y/n was playing with her friends lev and kenma when her father check the time and it was almost 7:00p.m.

"Sweetheart it's time to go home say goodbye to your friends"her father siad and y/n was sad and waved goodbye to her friends and got in the car.

"y/n honey what do you want for dinner? "her mom asked with no response, her father look at y/n who was sleeping peacefully and he smiled...

Until this happened.....

" HONEY!! WATCH OUT!!! "y/n mom shouted and when her father looked there was a truck coming there way but it was too late they have huge car crash y/n mom and dad held their daughters hands one more time.

" we love you sweetheart forever...... We'll watch you above"they both said before they heard siren police cars coming there way..... When they got to the hospital both of her parents were dead.... Except for y/n she survive during that huge car crash but doctors suspect that she will lose memory..... Y/n had a coma which she woke up in 10 months. When she woke up she was in a one room apartment with no memory and she was a bit tall....

When I saw this my heart.... Dropped when the past screen was gone and back in the forest I dropped in my knees and started to sob........... So this woman..... Was my mother!? All these years not having parents and yet their now dead.....

"so now you will b-" before my mother could finish her sentence I hugged her tightly and continue to sob.....

"Mom...... I'm so sorry...... I was..... The reason you guys are dead..... I'm so so so so sorry for everything.....if I would never have fallen asleep *hicc*..... This would never happen*hicc*" I said to her between my two sobs and she hug me.

"it's fine sweetheart as long as you're OK that's good because out job is to protect our daughter no matter what and you know what we did protect our little angel hehe" she said and smiled.... Her smiled..... Her face..... I will never forget it...... I wiped my tears and smiled as well but just then I hear a sinister laugh coming from my back.

{back to hinata and yamaguchi}
Seeing y/n and her mom was so touching and y/n past was terrible no wonder she gets bullied and being sad all the time.... Until we hear a laughter.

"what was that Yamaguchi-San?!" (hinata)

"I'm not sure but it's coming from there I'll call tsukishima while you watch them" (Me)

"a-alright" (hinata)

I called tsukishima and he picked up....

"yams? What's wrong? Is she alright?"

"maybe it's best if you come here I'll send you the address, I think things are going to get messy here" I said and send the address
"there I send the ad-" before I could finish he hung up.

{y/n pov}
I looked at my back and there was a man with a perverted face and said.

"looks like I found a cuter girl here must be my lucky day hehe~" he said and I cried on horror until my mom said.

"run hunny, RUN NOW!" she said and I ran in a to the left as the man behind me.

"what's wrong bunny~? Running away well then let's have some fun then" he send and manage to pin me on the ground hold my legs and arms so I won't try do something.

"Y-yamero..." I said while crying as he touched my thighs and hips.

"oh not today baby ~" he said and I cried more.

"YAMERO!! KEI!!!" I yelled and he started to make things worse until another man grab him by the neck and chocked him in the air I looked at the man and he was also familiar.

"F-father?" I said and he turned to me and smiled innocently he threw the guy and he ran away.

"are you OK Sweetie?" he said and it was indeed my father I hugged him and hug back.

"father..... Father..... I'm so sorry for what I did...." I said and pasted my head.

"no need to worry after all I successfully protected my daughter heh" with those words I smiled and felt sleepy and past out.

{Yamaguchi pov}
Tsuki is here but the only thing we only see is the middle of the forest it was getting dark and y/n hasn't returned..... Until we all the y/n being carried by  a different man and the woman appeared again....

"is she alright?" the woman who claims to be y/n mom said.

"yes she is dear,im sure someone will find her" the man said who maybe claims to be y/n father

"are you sure it safe to give her you're fighting spirit? What if" y/n mom said......

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