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"h-how do you know my name?" your bully asked you and you smirked.

"oh right did I mention that you father got executed for kidnapping 10 children?" you said and you saw her face in shock.

"w-what? B-but my dad..... Didn't kidnapped any children.... But there are noises in the basement..... But that does not mean he kidnapped some kids!!"your bully then replied.

" oh I'm sorry for your father's sake I hope you both will see each other in hell, cause this is pay back for what you've done to me in school. "you answer and kei was satisfied about your speech we was satisfied that you've finally got your revenge from your bully.

" the rest is up to you dad"you said and your dad nodded and went away with the girl.

"now that settled, tell us who are y-"

"Kobayashi why would you do that?"

Sugawara was cut off by kiyoko saying the boys name making everyone tunr to kiyoko.

"you know this guy kiyoko?" daichi said and kiyoko nodded

"this is Kobayashi kenji, he is one of my perverted classmates who always pervs on girls" kiyoko said making koba smirked.

"so you remembered kiyoko? Heh I'm glad, The reason why I'm doing why I'm doing this for fun, every girl has such perfect bodies" while Koba was talking y/n couldn't hear anything he said cause kei grab his headphones and put some music to you, you hum the song, it was calming. While kei was was really disgusted about what koba said.

-Time skips-
Finally that boy was caught by the police and he was insane so the y took him to a mental hospital. When it was night time kei kept hugging you without letting go.

{⚠️warning⚠️ there may be some 🍋}

"kei? What's wrong? You kept hugging me without letting go, is there something bothering you?" you asked him.

"actually there is....." he respond and gets closer to your face making you blush.

"E-eh?! K-kei?"

"shhh everyone is sleeping so don't be loud"

You were blushing madness cause he was never like this. He started to kiss you deeply which you kissed back.

After a minute he started to kissed you neck which made moan a little bit then you cover your mouth, he noticed and stop while you kept blushing.

"hey don't cover your mouth" he demand you and you release your mouth.

"w-why a-are you doing this? T-this is the first time you've done this" you asked him.

Silence came in the room when you were about to say anything he kissed you first.

"k-kei.... A-ahhh~" you wanted to say something but he kept kissing you potentially. He stops and started to kiss your neck leaving love bites and hickeys.

"hmm~heh what a pipsqueak" he teased you, you kept blushing and left a drip of saliva on your mouth and a little tear on your left eye. He rubs it with his fingers your tears and wipes your saliva with his thumb and licks his thumb.

"you liked that didn't you?" he asked you and you nodded shyly.

"heh let's get to sleep tmr is the last day" the 2 of You guys went to sleep.

-The next morning-
You woke with no sign of your boyfriend you knew that you have to hide those hickeys so you put a scarf that your mother gave you when you were a little girl and wrapped it around your neck and went to the kitchen and make some homemade meat buns. You made sure you made for everyone for the team.

-15 minutes-
You were finally done and put them on a large silver platter. You heard the boys practice in the gym and went up to the coach and said that you will give them a treat luckily he agreed and clapped loudly to grabbed everyone's attention. You then grab the large silver platter and put it on the table, you opened the lid and they saw many hot steaming meat buns.

"This is a treat for your hardworking practice so eat up" you announce and everyone dig in to the meat buns.

"THANK YOU YOUR THE BEST!" everyone said and you smiled,tsukishima came up to you on the side and gave you a meat bun and accepted it and ate it.

"geez you know you don't have to your fingers are bleeding" your boyfriend said and grab a bandage to puts it on your bleeding fingers.

"oops sorry hehe I'm a bit clumsy about handling knifes".

-TIME SKIPS(Cause I'm lazy sorry hmmm) -

It was time to go home and you waved goodbyes.

"Nooo stay here for a while!" lev whined to y/n cause he doesn't want you to leave yet.

"lev come on let her go" kenma demand and lev let go.

You got on the bus and waved one more to say goodbye and the bus started. You eventually fell asleep on kei shoulder.

"sorry tsukki but we didn't tell her so it will be up to you to tell her about her manager"

".... Sure....."

-at home-
You laid to his bed in your pajamas and wondered where your boyfriend is.

"kei? Where are you?" you asked

"I'm here can you come down stairs? We need to talk" he replied in his worried tone.

'I wonder what's up? Did I do something wrong?' you though and went downstairs and saw him on the couch looking down worried. You sat beside him.

"is something wrong?" you asked him and held his hand.

"... There is actually its about your shop....." he answered like he was about to cry.

"now that you mention it, it's been 4 weeks in Sunday and she said she will be back in Friday" you said and made him more worried of what's gonna happen next.

"the thing is..... She...... Y-your manager...."

"kei? What's going on? Your scaring me a bit..."

"…………… She died………. on her……… way back here……… it's all…… over the news...."

My saltydino baby♥️(tsukkishima x reader) Where stories live. Discover now