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You look up at saw him lending his hand to help you.

"I'm sorry this guy is just a dumbass" the raven hair boy said

"I'm shouyo hinata from class1-1 nice to meet you" the orange hair boy said

"and I'm tobio kageyama from class 1-3 nice to meet you" the raven hair boy said

"I'm F/N L/N, nice to meet you both too.

" Maaan I wonder where that beanpole went? "hinata said

" beanpole? "you tilt your head in a question face

" oh he meant tsukkishima "Kageyama said

U giggle a bit and the boys blushed

" actually he is my friend"you said and boys jaw drop

"are you sure we are talking about the same tsukkishima?" Kageyama said and U nodded and the boys were totally shock, they were so gonna tease that bean pole the bell rang and you guys waved goodbye and went to your class. When you got there and sat down on you're chair, the class started and you didn't notice tsukkishima was looking at you on you're shoulder, it was now lunch time and tsukki invited you to sit lunch with yamaguchi. He grab your wrist and went outside to the classroom when the girl who pushed you yesterday was there.

"tsukki~let's eat lunch together plsss~?" she said in a girly way, it disgusted you and you almost hurled, tsukkishima face was nothing but anger.

"No" he said walk away with me and yamaguchi, she's stomping her feet like an 4 year old. "How come she gets to hang with you all the time?!" she shouted but he ignored her and walk to the rooftop. The 3 of you guys sat down and they open there bento boxes, you were just looking at the sky a bento box was sliding on you're side. You realise that bento boxe was coming from tsukkishima he was looking away while he was sliding the bento.

"tsukki you don't have to I'm not that hungry" you said

"nope you have to eat and besides I have 2 bento boxes" he said

"wow tsukki it's the first time you shared you're bento with someone even a girl" yamaguchi said tsukki blushed hard and turned away you giggled and he blushed more. The bell rang and you grab tsukkishima bento box he gave you and put it in you're bag you waved at them goodbye and left.

"so you have a crush on her?"

"mmm..... Idk.... I feel weird when im near her...."

"so you do but does she like you back?"

"ill just have to wait and see but you do have a crush right?"

"e-eh?! N-no I don't tsukki"

"stop lying I know who it is"

"YAMERE!! Tsukki just don't tell"

"shut up and let's go"

Both of them went to there class and saw you writing something, they both sat down and class started.

—time skip—
You were just walking through the hallway when 10 girls and one of them pushed you on the wall.

"so you are the girl who's been hanging out with my tsukki~" one girl who was the boss of the group was cornered you, you didn't say anything and they started to beat you up, no one was around even tsukkishima and yamaguchi. One of them made a worse pain she kicked your stomach and head. You try to gold the blood and they left... Eventually you left the school and ran to you're apartment,you washed you're face and wipe the blood. They left many scratches and you're body was sore and you many bruises and you want to rest and did you look at the ceiling with empty though then there was one that struck you're thoughts.

"...... Tsukki......" you though and you're heart started to race and you feel you're face burning... Your eyes started to get heavy and you fell asleep.

—––—The Next Day———
You woke up early and went to change into you're extra school clothes and got you're bag and left you're apartment. You went to the coffe shop and apologise to you're manager for being there yesterday, she accepted it.

"here is my number so you can text me when will I come back for sure" you're manager handed a small piece of paper

"thank you and pls be safe in you're vacation" you replied

"oh and if you want something in the shop I can give you the keys" you're manager gives you the keys

"oh ok" you replied and took the keys

"I better get going, bye" you said and grab you're hoodie and put it on and when you got outside you saw tsukkishima standing there.

"ready to go?"

"I-I guess"

You both walk to school but in the way there tsukkishima knew something is wrong with you but he didn't question any. When you both got to the school and opened you're locker, you saw many pins and notes tsukki notice it and he didn't speak. You both got to class and it started, You were looking down holding the pain when you're teacher called you.

"Miss L/N can you pls take off that hoodie of yours, its dress code?"

You flinch at first but shook you're head no...

"Y/N it's unlikely for you to disobey the teacher" tsukkishima then spoke

You were silent at first and shiver but you stood up and carefully unzipping ur hoodie, one boy started to grab you're hoodie recklessly and succeed, but as soon he realised what he had done everyone froze in shock.

They saw you covered with bruises from head to toe, tsukkishima was shock and angry about it but before anyone could say anything you spoke...

"M-m-m-may I please be excuse and go to the bathroom?" you were trembling in embarrassment

"of course you may" the teacher the respond you grab you're hoodie from the boy gently and rush to the bathroom...

"Tsukkishima can you pls go after miss Y/N?"

"of course ma'am"

My saltydino baby♥️(tsukkishima x reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin