~Prologue Part 3: Virgil's Past~

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~3rd Person PoV~

The voice told Virgil everything he would have to do as the Anxiety of a man named Thomas Sanders. He soon met the other Dark Sides, Deceit, or Janus, and Remus. He know and hat met the Light Sides as well, but they didn't exactly like him. Well, Patton did, but Logan and Roman hated him. Later, when he joined them, they had forgotten about meeting him, as he had never really been outside of the Dark Side Palace.

When he first started to talk with the Light sides, they were hostile. The only reason he did it was because he was bored. He wasn't expecting to tell them his actual name and for them all to be friends. He didn't expect to be in the garden one day when he was suddenly heard something behind him, and a familiar voice call out his name.

Sans: "V-Virgil...?"

Virgil couldn't believe it. As he turned around, he saw his brother, Sans. 

Virgil: "S-Sans?"

His eyes flooded and tears fell down his face of pure happiness. They both ran toward each other and hugged. After a bit, they both calmed down enough to tell them what had happened in the years they had been away from each other. Sans had cried when Virgil had told him how he died. Virgil was also amazed at how Sans had so many AUs of himself. From that day on, Sans would always come to the garden through a portal, and Virgil and Sans would talk and enjoy each other's company, like brothers should. (Lowkey typing that hits though-)

What they didn't know is that the other sides were planning on surprising Virgil when he went to the garden the next day. 

Brothers (A Sander Sides x Undertale Crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora