~Prologue Part 2: Sans's Past~

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~This part is basically explaining how they ended up where they are in their separate fandoms in this AU! This is Sans's part!~

~3rd Person PoV~

After Sans fell, he landed on a pile of flowers that stopped him from his fall, keeping him from dying. He was stuck. He continued on the path, seeing no one until he came upon what looked to be a puzzle. Suddenly, two ghost children appeared before him. Their souls were yellow and light blue; Patience and Justice. As for Sans's soul, it was red with cracks coming from the sides. The two ghosts greeted him, telling him their names and how they had died. Their names were Ellie and Anthony. 

They had both died in the Ruins. Toriel had killed Anthony, while Ellie had waited for Toriel to come back, but instead starved to death. Sans explained why he had fallen, and told them a bit about his brother. They soon continued conversing while traveling through the ruins. The two ghosts helped Sans sneak through Toriel's house to Snowdin. Which is why Toriel never knew about another human with a Determination Soul.

Gaster eventually found him after Sans passed out due to the cold, laying on the floor unconscious. He promptly took Sans back to his lab as fast as he could, as Sans's Soul was in a bad enough condition already. There was not a high chance of Sans living. So Gaster took it upon himself to do the only thing in his power to keep Sans alive.

He turned him into a monster.

Of course, when Sans awoke, he was extremely confused. After Ellie and Anthony calmed him down, Gaster explained what he had done. The two eventually became friends. Gaster continued his work, Sans by his side as his assistant, and Gaster eventually created Papyrus. Gaster fell into the Void one day, leaving Sans alone with Papyrus. Sans and Papyrus were homeless until Sans had made enough money to get them a house, and get Papyrus into a school. When Papyrus was created, he was around 15. 

Later, when the first route by Frisk had been finished, Sans was excited. Maybe he would see his brother again! When he woke up again, back in Snowdin, he was disappointed to say the least. Finally getting a bit of Hope of seeing his brother... and then it was all gone. Then the first Genocide route happened. Sans considered Papyrus his brother, as Sans had cared for him like one. When Frisk had killed Papyrus, it was like losing another brother. Sans grabbed Papyrus's scarf, a momento of Papyrus.

He waited for Frisk in Judgement Hall. They fought. After hundreds of tries, Frisk finally managed to beat Sans. Then Sans awoke again, only to see Papyrus killed again. His family, his friends. Killed. Again.

And again.

And again.

And he was the only one who remembered. He grew into a depressed state once again. After his 345th reset, he met Ink, and the rest of his AUs. They brought his spirit back up a bit. The only thing was, they didn't have the same past as him. None of them did. Dust never was a human. He was always a skeleton monster. Same for Killer. None of them had ever talked to the two souls. 

Sans was afraid. Afraid of what would happen if he told them. So he hid it. Just like he his cuts under his jacket. Just like he hid his depression behind a lazy, care-free smile.

One day, Sans was pulled into a portal. He was back in his human form. He looked up and saw his brother. Virgil.

Sans: "V-Virgil...?"

Virgil turned around. As he saw Sans, who had tears in his eyes, he gasped. Virgil's tears poured freely out of his eyes as he barely managed to speak.

Virgil: "S-Sans?"

They both rushed to each other, hugging each other while crying and laughing. They could finally see each other yet again. Sans came to the Mindscape to talk to Virgil daily, usually several times a day. They caught up and were aware of everything that had happened in the time since they had last seen each other. What they didn't know is what would happen.

What would happen when the rest of the Sides found Sans and Virgil hanging out in the garden.

What would happen when the AU's decided to follow Classic/Sans, who had been disappearing a lot lately.

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