~Chapter 2: Uh... hi?~

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(The most voted for ship is... Error x Classic!)

~Sans's PoV~

I went inside the Mansion, looking around to see if I could spot my boyfriend. I heard yelling in the kitchen. I immediately went to the kitchen to see Error, my boyfriend, and Fell fighting over something. Ink is holding Fell back, and Nightmare is holding Error back.

Error: "WhAt tHe fU*nK* y0u dUmB*AnT*! Fr3sH, sT0p C3Ns0r!nG m3!"

Fell: "Well it's not MY fault you got in my way, you glitchy peace of shi-"

I stand between them.

Classic: "Okay, everyone calm down. What happened here?"

Error: "0h. HeY sWeEtH3aRt."

Classic: "Hi. But why are you two fighting?"


I turn around to look at Fell, my eyelights gone. Okay, I'm pissed.

Classic: "Listen here buddy. Shut the hell up or you're gonna have a BAD TIME. G O T  I T?"

He nodded, looking somewhat scared. I sighed, turning away.

Classic: "Good. Now, both of you apologize."

After they apologized to each other, everyone left. Error hugged me while I made myself a cup of coffee.

Error: "ThAnKs F0r Earl!eR, sWeEth3ArT."

Classic: "No problem!"

After I talked with Error for a bit and did a bit of hanging out with the rest of my friends. After a few hours, I had to leave. I said bye to my friends and my boyfriend and made a portal to Undertale, my AU. I then look around the area I usually teleport to, and make sure no one is here. I don't see anyone. Good. I open up a portal to the Mindscape's garden, where me and Virgil usually hang out. I turn into my human form. It's usually much easier to be in this form, but I can't exactly do it in front of the other AUs, can I?

I look around for Virgil. I don't see him yet, so I'll just wait here. I sit down, summoning a book. I opening it and begin to read, leaving the world around me as I get into the story of the book.

~3rd Person PoV~

Location: AU Mansion.

Ink called another meeting for all the AU to come. He sent a message to everyone besides Classic, as he was the topic that they would be talking about at the meeting. Everyone met in the War Room, or, as some of them called it, the Classroom (Because it's as boring as school-). Ink cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention.

Ink: "Hello everyone. There is something I need to discuss with you all today."

Error: "Uh, Wh3r3'S mY b0yFr!3nD?"

Ink: "Well, Error, your boyfriend's actually why we're here today. Do you know where he goes after he leaves the Mansion? I asked his brother, but his brother says he usually comes back to their house late."

Error: "N0, AcTuAlLy, ! D0n'T."

Ink: "Well, if this keeps up, we'll have to follow him. Until then, Error, try to ask him where he's going. We just need to make sure he isn't doing anything dangerous. After all, we don't want Fate to regain control over the Multiverse."

They all nodded grimly.

~Sans's PoV~

Virgil finally came. I waved to my brother as he sat down next to me. 

Virgil: "Hi, bro!"

Sans: "Heya. So, how's thing going with your boyfriend?"

Virgil blushed.

Virgil: "S-Sans! But he's nice... and handsome, and smart, and perfe-"

Sans: "Woah, Virge, I didn't ask for a whole rant."

Virgil: "O-Oh, heh, sorry about that."

Sans: "It's okay, bro. Just make sure he doesn't do anything weird, okay? Otherwise, he'll have to answer to me."

My left eye flashed blue and yellow, full of magic. Virgil laughed.

Virgil: "Alright."

I heard something move in a bush near Virgil. We both jumped up. I jumped in front of Virgil in case it was dangerous. I saw a person wearing a black top hat and what seemed to be... snake skin on his face? I believe that's Deceit, or Janus. From what Virgil tells me, he's a liar. I look back at Virgil.

Sans: "That's your friend, right?"

Virgil: "Yep."

I mentally facepalmed. Sh*ip*! They don't know who I am yet!

Sans: "Wait. That's your friend."





Virgil: "Uh... run?"

I nodded.

Sans: "Run."

I saw the rest of his friends and his boyfriend come out of several other bushes. Virgil and I ran as they chased us. Virgil lead us, as I didn't really know any area besides the garden. As we ran, I continued to talk to him.

Sans: "Virgil, you have to *huff* tell them about my *huff* existence sometime."

Virgil: "Yeah, *huff* I know."

Both me and Virgil do not run a lot. We were already pretty tired after running for about 5 minutes. We turned a corner, then stopped. We faced a solid wall. We turned around, seeing the other sides.

"Well, sh*ip*. This is a real pickle we've gotten ourselves into, huh Virgil?"

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