Chapter 5: Graduation

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AN: we are skipping ahead to Naruto and his class graduating for times sake.

It was graduation day and all the students reviews their squads today. It was really exciting because Naruto is also finally graduating. Iruka and Ellie gave their goodbyes to each student. Ellie gave Naruto a hug despite Iruka's frown. The two went for a walk since school ended early.

"I'm worried about Naruto being on Kakashi's team. All his genin failed," Iruka said worriedly. "Listen Iruka, Naruto is a strong kid. He'll be okay. Yeah he's an idiot but he also has Sakura and Sasuke to help him," Ellie said then rubbing his arm unintentionally. Iruka sighed then smiled. "You always know how to cheer me up," Iruka said happily. "that's what I'm here for," Ellie said cutely.

The two have gotten close these past few months. Ellie still can't remember anything from the incident where she was attacked. She also can't remember much about her home life in the land of lightning and gets frustrated by it. Iruka is very comforting for her. The two decided to find Naruto and take him out for ramen to celebrate. Naruto jokingly calls the two chunin his parents which always making them blush.

Shortly after that the chunin dropped off naruto and walked to their respective homes. At Ellie's doorstep, Iruka enveloped her into a hug. He rested his head atop hers and had his arms around her. "Thank you for making me feel better. Naruto is my family," Iruka said softly. "A-Anytime," Ellie stuttered. She felt so safe and happy in the hug, she was just too shy to express it. The two parted from their embrace and went into their respective houses. Ellie still had red cheeks but she was smiling. Little did she know Iruka was doing the same in his home, except he was cursing himself in embarrassment. "It's going to be difficult to hide my crush..." The two said, unknowingly in unison.

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