Chadwick Boseman

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This news has come to a shock for many people. Those who loved marvel, those who saw themselves and were represented in Chadwick and those who just loved the man.

I am deeply shocked and upset by his untimely passing and know many of you will be too. My love and thoughts go out to his family, those he loved and those who loved him.

It's okay to mourn and grieve, you're allowed to feel pain. He wasn't just an actor, he was a talented, courageous, brave and hard-working man. Don't let anyone tell you, you can't be hurt over his passing. Give yourself time,
keep hydrated and talk to someone you love.

Chadwick Boseman was an inspiration, an icon and above all else a superhero. But he was also a person with a family and a life so please all remember this about him and not about the characters he played. It does not matter what happens with the character at the moment, we need to be respectful to his loved ones.

If anyone needs someone to talk to, please send me a message. I'm here for each and every one of you. I love you. Stay safe.

Rest in Power Chadwick ❤️🕊

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