Sexy Spidey (Tag)

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I made a tag!!! You guys ready? I will ask the questions and then give my answers. Let's go!

Okay so rules:

1) You can choose to do Marvel, DC or both. It's up to you! Me personally I'm doing Marvel.

2) The title has to be your favourite hero/villain/anti-hero's name/nickname and a adjective to describe them. Mine is sexy spider because have you seen him?!

3) To show love you must put the person who tagged you and say thank you!

4) No hate! People can have different opinions to you!

5) Have fun!

Okay rules done! Let's go go go!

1) Favourite superhero?

Spidey, Capsical and the Wiener Solider. And yes I believe Bucky is not a villain because he is my smol bean and he was mind controlled!

2) Why?

Cap: First if he was my first fav and first crush. Also he is so damn cool! I love history and the world war (not like that) and its awesome for him to be connected to it. I also love the backstory and all that jazz. Plus I like saying 'super soldier serum'.

2) Buck: My now crush cuz boi! And same with Cap, where is from and his backstory. I like the fact that he kinda has an alter ego. One half of him is the sweetest thing in the world the other half a world feared killer that works with Hydra but I don't like the fact that is hurts Buck. :(

3) Spidey: Have you seen him?! I adored the film and his comics and the characters and the story line and the suit etc. But I think why I love him so much is that he is in high school and a lot of us can relate. Spider-Man is just his confident side and Peter Parker his nerdy shy side and I feel we all have that.

3) Least Favourite hero?

I can't choose but if I had to say, Thor. I'm sorry! I love him but he would be my least favourite if I was forced to pick.

4) Why?

For me he's like the Marvel version of Superman but obviously way better. Just a little to godly (ayyyy) and over powered. I like heroes with weaknesses and weak spots ya know?

5) Favourite villain?

I love Vulture and Green Goblin basically Spider-Man's villains.

6) Why?

I like their mo-jo. Their reasons why they do what they do. Plus they're are just so cool!

7) Least Favourite villain?

No joke I love all villains. Does that sound bad? I'm sorry I can't pick!

8) Why?

The question is why are they your least favourite but I shall say why they aren't. I just love villains and obviously without then Marvel wouldn't be Marvel and in my opinion some villains are better than the heroes.

9) Favourite film?

Captain America: First Avenger

10) Least favourite film?

Ironman 2

11) Do you read the comics?


12) If yes, which ones?

Mostly Spidey but some Cap but I'm hoping to read more.

14) Meet Cap or Ironman?

Cap 100%

15) Fight Loki or Thor?

Loki ;)

16) Join X-Men or Avengers?


17) Be a hero/villain/anti-hero?

Anti-hero because I love deadpool and I would be so sassy.

18) Date Peter Parker and not know he is Spider-Man or be class mates only but know who he is.

Date him - yes it would be cool to know but I don't want to 1) die 2) potentially put the people he loves in danger.

19) Favourite X-Men?

Prof. X

20) Favourite Fantastic 4?

The Human Torch or The Thing

And that's it! Now I tag all of you lovely readers! I would be cool if this tag starts to spread!

(Edit: Lusting_ThomasBrodie because I know you love a bit of Marvel)

Remember the rules! Especially 5 and 4!

I love you! Bu bye!

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