He's Still Got It

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Izzy501love here's your request. i really hope you enjoy :)
Message from Buck-a-Roo

Have you seen Steve anywhere? ~ Buck-a-Roo

Not since this morning. Is it urgent? ~ Y/N :-)

He was going to help me with something ~ Buck-a-Roo

Really? Do you think I would be able to help you instead? ~ Y/N :-)

I don't think so ~ Buck-a-Roo

Oh come on. What is it Buck? ~ Y/N :-)

It's just about a mission ~ Buck-a-Roo

James, I'm a SHIELD agent. I know my way around a mission ~ Y/N :-)

It was about last mission ~ Buck-a-Roo

I was on last mission! Are you just making excuses? Or am I just really that bad? ~ Y/N :-)

No that's not it. Okay and it's not about the mission but I need to talk to Steve on this one ~ Buck-a-Roo

What can I do to get you to ask me? ~ Y/N :-)

Nothing, I really need to talk to Steve ~ Buck-a-Roo

James - Y/N :-)

Y/N ~ Buck-a-Roo

We're best mates Buck. Why are you being so secretive all of a sudden? - Y/N :-)

You're right but if I tell you, you have to promise not to freak out on me ~ Buck-a-Roo

Barnes, I never freak out ~ Y/N :-)

Apart from the time Tony ate your ice cream or Clint poisoned you or the time I woke you up for plums. ~ Buck-a-Roo

Well, two out of the three of those were logical and perfectly reasonable ~ Y/N :-)

In my defence, I was really craving plums ~ Buck-a-Roo

Ah! So you admit that it wasn't a reasonable time to disturb me ~ Y/N :-)

No that's not what I meant! You know what never mind forget it. I'll just wait until Steve's back ~ Buck-a-Roo

Fine okay. Compromise. We'll forget about the whole plum thing if you tell me what's going on - Y/N :-)

I guess but seriously don't freak out ~ Buck-a-Roo

I won't ~ Y/N :-)

Well ever since Steve introduced us to each other I've really began to like you. I didn't want to tell you because I really didn't want to ruin the friendship. ~ Buck-a-Roo

That's it? That's what you were so worried over? ~ Y/N :-)

I mean yeah. It's kinda a big deal for me. Oh god, I wish I had just waited for Steve. Can we just pretend that didn't happen? ~ Buck-a-Roo

But, you see Barnes, I don't want to pretend that didn't happen ~ Y/N :-)

Why not? It's not much use to you ~ Buck-a-Roo

Jesus, James. What I'm trying to say is I like you too you moron! The entire team constantly tell me how obvious it is but apparently you are the only one who couldn't tell. Nat was going to have a fit if I didn't tell you soon and I'm pretty sure Tony was planning something to 'expose me' ~ Y/N :-)

Woah. I didn't realise the team were that harsh. Well, at least, not to me ~ Buck-a-Roo

That's because they know if they tried anything Steve would be on their backs for the next month ~ Y/N :-)

I suppose this is the part when I'm meant to ask you out on a fancy date and surprise you with diner reservations ~ Buck-a-Roo

Really? ~ Y/N :-)

Unfortunately not. I'm not exactly Tony Stark. I do have pizza on the way though. We could bunk in my room and watch movies? Would you want to? Buck-a-Roo

You know, I see what Steve was talking about ~ Y/N :-)

What? ~ Buck-a-Roo

The charm. You've still got it ~ Y/N :-)

I'll take that as a yes ~ Buck-a-Roo

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