Unknown {Tony}

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steve or tony? ~ _

Oh for crying out loud. Tony ~ Y/N

there. wasn't effort at all was it? now, tell me, why tony? ~ _

I don't have to tell you anything ~ Y/N

no, you don't, but you already have opened a lot to me don't you think? and i have a feeling i intimidate you a bit. ~ _

It was Tony who gave me the job offer. Tony who hired me. Tony who welcomed me to the team. Tony who taught me the ropes. Tony has been a big part of my life. I've been able to turn to him when I needed him the most ~ Y/N

turn to him in times of need and all that sappy stuff. do you perhaps remember the accords? ~ _

How does that have to do with anything? That is in my past and I would like to keep it that way. ~ Y/N

oh i'm sure you would but that wouldn't be very kind of me. i promised to bring justice to those who rightly deserve it. ~ _

What the hell are you on about? ~ Y/N

two things actually. you remember that kid that  tony bought along? he was rather fond of you, ya know ~ _

Yes I know the one. What about him? ~ Y/N

well you see, poor kid was having a tough time out on that airfield but needy old you stole tony's attention. he could have died out there. his aunt was worried sick. ~ _

I didn't know that ~ Y/N

course you didn't. too wrapped up in yourself. but you didn't know you own needy act, one they couldn't have been easily avoided if you only paid more attention, caused thirty two people to end up in hospital knocking on deaths door? ~ _

No. I didn't. ~ Y/N

of course not. you're supposed to be saving the planet yet here you are blown to pieces. what kind of protection are you? ~ _

What are you going to do? Go in time? Kill me quicker? ~ Y/N

no, if i could, i would and save all those innocent lives. but no, i am going to teach you a lesson. ~ _

A lesson? What is this? ~ Y/N

no more questions. see, i knew from the start you'd say tony. i know exactly how close you two are. in fact, i know almost everything about you. your name, date of birth, residence. but still, i could think of nothing that would teach you a bigger lesson than taking something from you that you love the most ~ _

tony ~ _

Don't you do anywhere near him. Don't you dare ~ Y/N

i'm afraid y/n it's much too late for heroism.
should have done that all those years ago ~ _



please ~ Y/N

{three months later}

message to tony

hey tony, it's been three long hard months without you. i'm still looking. i will never stop looking for you. not until you're back in the tower or at least until i have closure. i miss you tony. please come home safe. i can't do this without you. come home. ~ Y/N


stay safe everyone x

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