Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

    "There's nothing to tell!" Meredith yells before storming out of the room. Izzie gives me a look and I return it.

    After a long morning of rounds and checking on patients before surgery I made it to Denny who is back in the hospital. Obviously, his heart has been getting worse and since he didn't get the transplant, things aren't looking too good. Burke eventually let me off his service as Izzie requested to be on his case.

    As I walk down the hall to find Bailey, I hear very distinct yelling. I make my way back through the hall to find the source of the yelling I see all my fellow residents. No surprise really, we have a track record of yelling at each other in hallways.

    "You think that someone is your friend, you know! At the very least, that she'd respect your privacy!" George yells in Meredith's face before turning to walk down the hallway I came from, almost bumping into me.

    "Woah, George, what's going on?" I ask but he ignores me and brushes past. I look at everyone else with my arms open in confusion.

    "Baby boy is freaking out," Alex answers before we all start following George down the hall.

    "Yeah, I can see that," I say rolling my eyes.

    "We can all see that!" Izzie exclaims. "Why is he freaking out?"

    The four of us on the outside follow Meredith who is chasing after George in confusion. If he expressed his feelings for her, I don't understand why they are being so weird about it. Even if she doesn't like him back, they don't have to be so distant.

    "George, can we at least talk?" Meredith pleads with him.

    "I don't wanna talk! Not to you! I wanted to keep my mouth shut, and if you hadn't been running away from me every time you see me, you would know that!" He yells in her face before opening one of the stairwell doors with a bang and walking through.

    "Okay, you're right. But can we just talk now?" She asks following him down the stairs as we continue to watch from behind.

    "You want to talk now because you told everyone that we had sex!" He screams and all of us freeze and my eyes widen in shock. I told him to tell her about his feelings, not go and have sex with her that night!

    "You had sex?!"

    "You had sex with George?!"

"You two had sex?!" All of us yell at the same time making it hard to understand any of us. George looks around at all of us in panic, realizing what he said.

"You didn't tell them?"

"No." Meredith breathes out, obviously mortified at the situation.

"Damn it!" He yells before turning to run down the stairs. Unfortunately, he trips on the first step and falls, rolling down all the stairs painfully.

"George!" We yell when we see him on the ground groaning in pain. Alex starts laughing and I hit him on the shoulder for the second time today. We took him to one of the empty ER rooms so that an ortho resident could fix his arm. I wanted to stay for support but he told us all to leave. I didn't argue because he must be really embarrassed and I didn't want to make it worse.

"He's going to be okay right?" Meredith asks worried, obviously feeling guilty for how things played out.

"He dislocated his shoulder. He's gonna be fine." Alex says before walking away down the hall.

"That's not exactly what I meant." She mutters as Izzie starts to follow him. Before she leaves, she turns around and looks at Meredith.

"Meredith, if you can't make this right, if you can't fix this with George, just so you know if it comes to choosing sides, I'm on his." She says before walking away down the hall. I turn to Meredith and she's looking at me as if expecting the same treatment. I sigh and put my hands on my hips, looking down for a moment to collect my thoughts.

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