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Bokuto woke up gasping. "Hey are you okay?" Akaashi looked at him worried.

"A-Akaashi your here?!" Bokuto blinked twice. He got closer to the smaller boy.

"You took a big hit in the head when you got hit in the head with a bat."
Akaashi brushes his finger on his forehead. He wince as he felt the pain.

"Bat?" Bokuto raises his eyebrow.

He was right. He was pulling a prank on Kuroo. Bokuto had went to hide and pretended to be someone who was breaking in the house. Kuroo had grabbed the bat and wacked him when Bokuto came out to scare him.

"You've been out for 2 day's." Akaashi smiled. He leans in and kissed him on his forehead.

Bokuto looked around and noticed he was in a hospital room. "Oh wow..."

"Yea I was worried about you. Don't do anything dumb anymore." Akaashi sighs.

"Wow he really is doing bad." A man with a coat wrote down on a paper.

A lady with back heels walks up next to him. "Yea Im pretty sure he's hallucinating, he's making a whole conversation with himself."

"Looks like he's gonna be here for a long time." He sighs and looks at Bokuto.

He was strapped on the bed mumbling to himself as he stared at the wall.

"A-akaashi, I love you." His voice quivered.


Hanahaki diseases // Bokuaka AUWhere stories live. Discover now