The fight

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The next morning

Akaashi woke up and stretched his arms. He stood up and walked to the mirror. He quickly put some clothes on
As he stepped out of the dorm building he felt the cold breeze hit his face. It was pretty chilly for a fall morning. Luckily he was wearing two jackets to keep him warm.

He walked down the side walk and saw dead flowers on the grass that died from the cold. "Too bad my flowers won't die if I stand in the cold" he said under his breath.

Suddenly he felt his phone ringing. He looked at the caller ID and saw it was kenma.

"What a pleasant surprise Kenma Kozume calling me first?"

"I'll be sure to not call you anymore."

Akaashi felt uneasy, he felt as if he was being watched. He quickly turned around but all he saw was two girls walking the opposite direction of him.

"It's nothing" he thought to himself.

"Anyways why are you calling me?"

"Just to let you know that I'm coming over to help you."

"Your gonna help me? You sure? I think it's a pretty big task to take. You usually can't even get on your knees to look under your bed" Akaashi joked.

"Very funny Akaashi. I'll be over later"

"Alright bye"

Akaashi hung up plugged in his earbuds. He started to listen to Alec Benjamin. He found his voice to be very soothing during his crisis.

He closed his eyes for a minute and kept walking until someone grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back.

He opened his eyes to see furious Kuroo who grabbed his collar and lifted him up. Kuroo was pretty tall so he had Akaashi up from the ground.

"You fucking Home wrecker!" Kuroo yelled.

"Home wrecker?! Kuroo let go of me you moron." Akaashi said trying to get out of his grasp.

"It's a pretty big task huh? You think your dick is that big?" Kuroo snarled.

Akaashi raised his eyebrow confused
"Your an idiot"
he quickly put everything together "Kuroo this is a huge misunderstan-" before Akaashi could finish he was slammed to the ground.

Akaashi groaned and opened his eyes. Everything was spinning around and he saw double of everything. He felt someone get on top of him. He received a few punches in the face from Kuroo.

Akaashi had to admit Kuroo was pretty strong and was really swinging for it.

" What are you doing?!" He heard someone yell.

Akaashi was in pain and still dazed so he didn't bother looking to see who it was but his voice did sound very familiar.

All of a sudden he felt someone pick him up.
"Kuroo stop! Let go" Akaashi yelled.
"Hey! Hey! It's me Bokuto! Calm down" he said as he grabbed Akaashi's face so he could look at him.

It was so beat up, he had a nose bleed running down his face and a huge scratch on his forehead not to mention his eye that would soon be a black eye.

"Owl" he giggled before he passed out.

Akaashi woke up in pain. He slowly fluttered his eyes open to see a concerned Bokuto.

"Ah sorry did I wake you up?" Bokuto said. He was carrying a pharmacy bag.

He quickly took out alcohol, Cotten and bandaids.

"What's all that for?"

"Ah Im guessing you don't remember much dont you?" Bokuto opened the bottle and poured it into a plastic plate. He dapped a Cotten ball onto the plate and placed it on Akaashi's forehead.

Akaashi winced and pushed Bokutos hand away.

"Kaashi I need to clean your wound"

"Wound? What wound?"

Before Bokuto could explain the door swung open.

"Bokuto if I find another plastic roach of yours in my bag I will murder you." Kenma said before noticing Akaashi.

"Akaashi" he said stunned. He slowly walked up and lifted Akaashis face up.

"Who did this to you?" Kenma looked sad.

"All I remember was kuroo coming up to me and he assumed you were cheating on him with me... the rest is a blur."

Bokuto dabbed the Cotten on Akaashi who twitched from how much it burned.

"Yea I was walking by and heard someone yelling and saw Kuroo lifting Akaashi up from his collar. At first I thought they were playing around until I saw Akaashi being slammed to the ground. Then Kuroo got on top of him and punched him. I ran and pulled him off when he kicked him. Then I picked Akaashi up and he passed out" Bokuto grabbed a bandage and sticked it on Akaashi's forehead.

"I'm so sorry Akaashi I never thought Kuroo would do such a thing." Kenma help Akaashi's hand.

"Wow I got beat up that's embarrassing" Akaashi laughed softly.

"It's okay Kenma it was just a huge misunderstanding."

Kenma nodded and looked at Bokuto. "Can you take care of Akaashi for me? I have a test later and then I have work. I also have to talk to Kuroo."

"Of course! He can sleep in my bed. Don't worry Kenma if Kurro comes I will protect Akaashi." He says to reinsure Kenma.

Kenma gave him a warm smile.
"Akaashi don't get yourself into more trouble. Remember cover up." He said giving Akaashi a mask.

Akaashi put it on and got back in bed.

"Hope you pass!" Bokuto waved bye to Kenma.

Leaving the two boys alone.

"Bokuto your not busy?"
"Skipping for one day won't hurt, Also you are very luck there weren't many people around because you guys would of been kicked out by now for causing a disturbance."

"Thanks... for saving my sorry ass back there" Akaashi said as he fiddled with his fingers.

"Akaashi don't say that! Your my best friend. I will always have your back. If you ever need to talk about something I'm here."

The second Bokuto said that Akaashi felt like telling him about everything. That he loved him, that he needed him. He wanted to sit on his lap and cry.

"B-Bokuto I need to tell you something"


"I appreciate you so much" he said with his eyes watering.

Bokuto hugged Akaashi tight.

Akaashi was shocked at first but soon hugged back. He slowly put his head on the crook of Bokutos neck.

He could feel Bokutos warmth and his heart beat from how close and tight they were hugging. He didn't want this to ever end he didn't want to let go.

He nuzzled himself more onto Bokutos neck and closed his eyes. They stayed there for a few minutes until he noticed what he was doing and decided to let go.

"Sorry" Akaashi looked to the side embarrassed.

"Ahh Akaashi your so cute! Any girl would fall for you!" Bokuto said getting up and picking up the bandaid wrapper.

Bokuto gave Akaashi one of his hoodies since Akaashis had blood on his clothes from his nose bleed. It was big on him but at least it kept him warm.

Akaashi was tucked in bed and laid there admiring Bokuto. He was so nice and caring. He had such a nice body. Bokuto noticed Akaashi staring.

"You need anything kasshi? Pain killers? More bandaids? A massage?"

"No I'm good Bokuto."
Bokuto brought some medicine anyways knowing that Akaashi was in pain he was just trying to hide it. 

He took them and went back in bed slowly falling asleep.

Hanahaki diseases // Bokuaka AUWhere stories live. Discover now