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Hanahaki Disease:
is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.

Akaashi worked at a small flower shop in Tokyo. He always felt relaxed around plants so he enjoyed his job. He worked for A sweet old lady named Ann. She was the owner of the shop.

Akaashi watered the lilies while Ann walked towards a small tv on that was in a corner and turned it on.

"Another Case of the Hanahaki Disease. It's another tragic death in the streets of Tokyo where we find a woman with bloody roses in her mouth." The news lady say.

"It's such a sad thing to see" Ann said as she looked at her flowers.

"Yea, who knew that something so beautiful could cause something so tragic." Akaashi says looking outside.

"Yes, I don't understand why they don't make the surgery less expensive. Not everyone has enough money to afford it. It must hurt. It's such a slow and painful death" Ann looks down.

"Lucky we both don't have it. Don't think about it too much. It's getting late I have to go. I have school tomorrow" Akaashi grabs his bag and waves goodbye to Ann as he heads out.

"Even if I did get the disease will it even matter? I've never been in love." Akaashi though to himself.

He walked down the street to find a tall boy with colored hair yelling and jumping around. "SHE SAID YES!" He ran past Akaashi who just rolled his eyes.

When he got home he set his stuff down and went straight to bed. Going to college and having a after school job was kinda hard. Luckily sweet old Ann didn't give him too much work.

Suddenly his phone buzzed. Akaashi looked at his phone and saw that it was Kenma.

K: Are you home?
A: Yea, why?
K: I was wondering if you could help me with something.
A: like?
K: so I got a new roommate and he brought this girl over but they keep making out and I'm afraid there going to go deeper and you know how I don't like confrontation.
A: Yea I'll be there.

Akaashi dragged himself out of bed and walked down a few dorms.
He swung the door open.
"Can you guys not?"
The girl with blond hair yelped and the guy with black and white hair sat up.
"Huh? Oh sorry! Are you my roommate?" The boy asked walking up to me.

"No, but he is" he point at Kenma who is in bed playing games.

"Oh shit I'm sorry bud. I didn't see you there! My name is Bokuto by the way!" He says cheerfully. His girlfriend rolls her eyes and lays back in bed.

"I'll be going. Kenma if anything else happens you're welcome to my room anytime."

Soon a loud female scream was heard. Everyone went to where the sound came from to see a blonde girl on the floor holding a boy with flowers coming from his mouth.

Another victim to the Hanahaki diseases. Bokuto took a few steps back. "What happened to him?!"

"One sided love that's what" Akaashi says as he walks away.

Bokuto stares at the body and walks back to his room.
"Is that really contagious?" Bokuto asks Kenma worriedly.

"Hm? No it's rare. Surprising two deaths happened today." Kenma says as he gets in bed and goes to sleep.

"Is there a cure?" Bokuto asks. No response.
Bokutos girlfriend was already fast asleep so he joined her. He laid in bed and kept thinking.
"Is this even real?"

Hanahaki diseases // Bokuaka AUWhere stories live. Discover now