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After that Kuroo left to go see Kenma and Bokuto. Akaashi went back too class. Hours went by slowly until last period. Akaashi was typing his life away until his phone got a notification.

Bokuto-San: Let's hang out later!!

Alright when?

Bokuto-San: Today! At your room okay because Kuroo told me that he was going to sleep with Kenma and do the dirty...

Okay I'll see you after class.

Akaashi looked at the time. There was 10 minutes left until class was over and he only had 2 more paragraphs to write so he could turn it in. He quickly went back on his computer and typed.

After class they met up In front of the library. Akaashi couldn't wait to go back to his dorm and rest. Staring at a computer for 4 hours straight isn't fun. Bokuto being there would make things better. Akaashi felt like he was falling more and more in love with That silly looking owl boy.

Bokuto would talk while Akaashi would admire him and nod at everything he said. "Akaashi I noticed your still sick, you should really go to the doctor. "

"No I'm good Bokuto-San." Akaashi closer his eyes for a few seconds.

"Akaashi I can't help but think that your hiding something" Bokuto said hoping Akaashi would tell him something.

"Huh?" Akaashi stopped walking and processed everything he just said.
"N-no everything is fine Bokuto dont worry about me" Akaashi panicked.

"Mmh okay" Bokuto frowned. They entered the dorm building and walked into the elevator. The place wasn't the nicest but it was better than nothing.

"So have any plans with your girlfriend?" Akaashi asked as he pressed on the button to go to the 3 floor.

"Oh yea we're going to go to another fancy restaurant next week. It takes weeks to even get a reservation since so many people go there." Bokuto sighs.

The elevator door opens and they walk out. "I could never spend so much money on food like you do." Akaashi took out his card key and swiped it. He opened the door and turned on the lights to see Angie on top of Ian butt naked.

Angie yelped and quickly got off.
"It wasn't me it was him!!" She yelled looking at Bokuto with watering eyes.

She got of the bed and covered herself with the blanket. She ran to Bokuto and hugged him.

Bokuto looked down at her "fuck off" he said with his eyes watering. She looked at Akaashi and hugged him next. "Please help me" She trembled. Akaashi walked into the room and grabbed her clothes. He handed it to her. "You should leave" he said leading her to the door.

"All of you arnt shit" she yelled and walked out. Ian sat there in bed shocked. "Sorry dude didn't know she was taken." He put his clothes on and left.

Bokuto soon walked out and left. Akaashi didn't know what to do. He wasn't good at helping sad people or anything. He dropped his bag in his room and looked outside. It was pouring. He grabbed a umbrella and the hoodie Bokuto let him borrow. He still hadn't washed it but it was the best he could do.

He ran out the door and searched for Bokuto. He looked at the benches, the parks, the cafe. The last place he could of gone would be the beach.

It wasn't as cold as yesterday but it was still chilly. Akaashi was wearing a long white sleeve with a navy blue coat that reached his knees and black ripped jeans. Keeping him warm but Bokuto just had short sleeve shirt and some jeans. He would get sick in no time

Akaashi arrived at the beach and saw Bokuto standing in the sand looking in the ocean. Rain Water pouring on him.

"Hey" Akaashi said as he came up to him and covered both of them with the umbrella. Bokuto didn't Answer.

"We should get going or you'll get sick..." Akaashi spoke, once again no response.

"Bokuto your an amazing person, any person would kill to be with you. She was a stuck up and an awful girlfriend. You didn't deserve that. Don't cry for someone who isn't worth your tears. You so handsome that anyone would fall for you." Akaashi spoke up.

"You think I'm handsome?" Bokuto looked at Akaashi with tears rolling down his face.

"Uhh yea of course... not in a gay way though haha" Akaashi awkwardly laughed.

"Haha yea.." Bokuto looked down.

"Let's go get to a warm place okay?"

Bokuto nodded and followed the small boys lead. They sat down near a bench and Akaashi made him take his wet shirt off and he gave Bokuto the hoodie. While he went to buy a few thing at a shop.

He soon came out with a bag and took out a cloth and dried Bokutos hair up. Then he pulled Bokutos hood up so it could snug and keep his head warm. Next he took out some heat pads out and put them in Bokutos pocket with his hands in it.

"Let's go" he said. Bokuto stood up and Akaashi held the umbrella. Even with the hight difference it want too much of a job to hold the umbrella out for both of them.

They ended up going back to Akaashi but stopped by to Bokutos dorm for some clothes.

Akashi sent him to take a warm shower. While Bokuto did that Akaashi went down stares and warmed them up some noodles he bought. It wasn't much but it was something.

When Bokuto came out with some joggers and the same hoodie.
"Let's eat." He patted the floor next to him. Bokuto sat down and ate. It was silent. Akaashi didn't really expect much since Bokuto literally saw his girlfriend cheat on him an hour ago.

After they finished they got in bed and watched a horror movie. Akaashi was trying to keep Bokuto distracted. He was trying to keep his mind off his ex. So they did everything. Homework, play games, wrestle, and talk. The night ended with both of them in bed passed out. The heater in the building was broken so they sleep fully clothed under blankets in the same bed.

Bokuto turned around and opened his eyes too see that the Led lights were still on. The room glowed blue making it nice and peaceful. He turned around to see Akaashi sleeping peacefully. "Thanks Akaashi, for making this day less shitty." He turned the lights off with the control and went back to sleep.

Hanahaki diseases // Bokuaka AUWhere stories live. Discover now