Keeping a promise

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"Whoah! Akaashi, I think it's best if you get in bed." Bokuto lifted Akaashi up.

"N-no it's okay. Just get me in the tub." Akaashi didn't care what was going on or if Bokuto saw him naked, he felt so weak. His chest was hurting.

Bokuto slowly undressed Akaashi. Taking his shirt off first. He looked at Akaashi for his reaction but he didn't receive any. Akaashi just sat there looking straight foward. Bokuto was was worried, Akaashi looked out of it. His body was pale, small, and frail. He look skinnier than normal Bokuto noted.

The bathtub was half way full so Bokuto turned it down just enough for the water to still fill up the tub slowly. Bokuto slowly placed Akaashi in once he was undressed.

"Do you need anything else?" Bokuto said looking at Akaashi worried.

"Mmh? No I'm fine I just think I need rest." Akaashi said closing his eyes.

"Alright I'll let you sleep in the tub just don't drown on me okay?" Bokuto chuckled.

Akaashi nodded slowly.

When Bokuto left Akaashi laid his head back. He felt a sharp pain in his chest. He gasped as another sharp pain hit.

Akaashi wanted to rip his skin off. It was hurting so bad. It felt like knife was stabbing him. He tried taking a deep breath but all of a sudden he couldn't. He couldn't breath. Akaashi began to panic.

"This can't be happening, not now." Akaashi though to himself.

Akaashi tried to yell for Kenma but nothing would come out. Not even a small sound.

Akaashi tried getting out of the tub, he did what any other person would he grabbed onto the tub and tried lifting himself up but there was no use. He was too weak. His legs had given up on him. Akaashi grasped at his throat feeling the need to get oxygen into his lungs. Tears started forming in his eyes. His face slowly turning blue.

He didn't want to die alone. It was too soon. He had just gotten here. He wanted to spend time with everyone. He wanted to spend time with Bokuto.

Akaashi was scared, he wanted to be with someone. He needed someone by his side. He already tried getting help but he wasn't able too. There was nothing else he could do but sit there alone.

He felt as the flower began to grow out of his mouth. His arms were too weak to move at this point.

He felt the blood drooling out of his mouth.

The stabbing he felt must of been the flowers growing downward instead of up. The flowers were attacking his lungs the whole time.

He tried one last time to scream for help. He tried to yell for Bokuto but nothing. Tears began to roll down his cheeks.

It was a painful and slow death. Akaashi places his head back on the wall and beagn to cry harder.

"Bokuto I love you.... Help me I'm scared." he tried to say.

Soon the tears stopped.

"Hey who made food?" Kenma says as he walked out his room.

"Oh Akaashi did! It delicious!" Bokuto turns the tv off to look at him.

"By the way where is he?"
Kenma said looking around the room.

"He's in the bath taking a nap. Im going to go check up on him." Bokuto said as he stood up.

He grabbed a glass of water and some medicine for Akaashi before heading to the room.

When he went into his room he noticed water everywhere on the floor.

"Akaashi must of forgotten about the water when he fell asleep." Bokuto laughed.

When Bokuto opened the door he was met with something horrific. He dropped the glass cup causing it to shatter.

"A-Akaashi!" He yelled.

Kenma soon came running right after with Kuroo. There was glass everywhere.

They walked into the bathroom to see Bokuto in the bathtub holding Akaashi's lifeless body.

You could hear his gut-wrenching sobs that tore through his chest.

"Akaashi, Akaashi, Akaashi!" He yelled trying to wake up the small boy.

"No! Please no! Why did it have to be him! Why did you take him from me!" He yelled.

Bokuto brought Akaashi closer to him. Holding him tight scared of letting go.

Kenma walked toward Bokuto.
"Hey Bokuto come on lets go."

Bokuto didn't listen. He held onto Akaashi's cold body tightly. "I'm not leaving him!" He cried.

Kuroo stood there shocked. He looked at Kenma. Tears were forming in his eyes but he would let them fall.

"Bokuto-San he's Dead! Gone! You crying and holding him isn't going to do anything!"

Kenma fell the floor. "I couldn't even complete his last request! He said he didn't want to die alone and I let him." Kenma broke down. Sobbing.

Bokuto turned around to look at him. "Y-you knew about this?" His voice quivered.

"Yes. Yes I did, I'm sorry! He told me not to tell." Kenma cried even harder.

He ran up to Akaashi and held his hand. It felt relaxed and cold. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I'll keep my other promise!" Kenma cried.

Kuroo walked up to Kenma and walked him out that bathroom.

Leaving Bokuto with Akaashi alone. Bokuto's clothes where soaked with water. He didn't even bother turning the water off since it was still running.

"It's okay I'm here." Bokuto cried lifting Akaashi's body. Cradling I'm in his arms. "I'm never gonna let you go." He took him to the bed and covered his body with a towel.

"It my fault! I should of checked on you but I promise I'm not leaving you this time." Bokuto caresses Akaashi's cheek.

"I'll always be here for you..."

"Bokuto I'm going to call someone to pick up Akaashi." Kuroo came in looking down.

"No. I'm not gonna let anyone take him from me." Bokuto choked out while grabbing Akaashi's hand.

Kuroo was stunned. "You can't be planning to stay with Akaashi's dead body are you?"

"He's not dead!" Bokuto screamed.

'Oh no he's gone crazy' Kuroo thought to himself.

Kuroo immediately walked out. He slowly tapped Kenma's shoulder.

"Call a mental hospital." Kuroo whispered.

After a few minutes a ambulance came to take Bokuto away but they needed to take him out.

"Hey bo?" Kuroo peered around the corner.

Bokuto looked up.

"Let's make Akaashi some tea okay? I'm sure he will appreciate it when he wakes up." Kuroo said stepping closer.

The sight of Akaashi's dead body sent shivers up to his spine.

Bokuto nodded and quickly got up.
As soon as they walked out he was tackled. Bokuto started yelling and swinging all you could here was him yelling "no!"

Eventually they strapped him up and took him away. Kenma sighed and went back inside.

After a hour of waiting someone came to take Akaashi away.

Kenma and Kuroo said there final goodbyes and went to get Akaashi's things. He looked at the bed to see a white flower. Slowly picking it up and admiring it.

"It's beautiful just like you...Don't worry Akaashi they will take care of Bokuto."

Kenma stepped outside and planted the flower. "I promise to keep our promise."

Hanahaki diseases // Bokuaka AUWhere stories live. Discover now