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The next morning Akaashi got up to find Ian (his roommate) bed empty.

Nothing new he thought to himself.
He really never showed up to the dorm. He went to every fratParty there was and he would usually sleep at other girls dorms. He was tall, had brown curly hair, and bright green eyes.

Akaashi got ready and walked to a small cafe where Kenma usually worked but his shift was in the afternoon so he wasnt there. He grabbed a cup of coffee and goes to class.

He takes a seat and takes out his notebook. Soon he saw someone sit next to him in the corner of his eye.

It was the boy form yesterday. "Since when do you have this class?" Akaashi asks as he takes out his pens.

"I'm new! I never got your name by the way, what is it?" Bokuto says as he looked at Akaashi fiddle with his fingers.


Soon the lesson began and Bokuto was paying no attention. He would poke Akaashi, play with his pens, draw on his hand, and ask non important questions.

"Is it me of does the teacher look like a old hyena?" Bokuto asked as he looked that the teacher.

"Hmm I guess your right." Akaashi smiled a bit seeing how the teacher did look like one.

It was pretty entertaining seeing him act like a child even though they were basically adults. It made class a bit more entertaining.

Then his phone buzzed and he quickly took it out.
"Look Akaashi! I made a new friend and we are basically best friends now!" Bokuto says showing him a picture of Kuroo.

He was a guy that always followed Kenma around. To sum it up they are a couple. Kuroo and Akaashi didn't really talk much but when they bumped into each they would wave.

Akaashi nods and gives him a small smile.

"We're going to have a group project with pairs of two. Your going to create a presentation about the human body." The teacher says

Bakuto sighs and looks at Akaashi.
"Partners? " he looks at him as he tilts his head. Kind of looking like a owl.

Akaashi nods.
"When and where do you want to get started? I know this great cafe we could go to it's next to the campus" Akaashi says as he packs up.

Bokuto looks up. "Hmm well what about today at 6? My girlfriend is kinda busy. She didn't tell me with what though." Bokuto frowns.

"It's alright. Girls have there own secrets just like us guys do" Akaashi says to make the boy feel better.

"Like what?" Bokuto asks

"Well they don't know what we do when it's just us guys." Akaashi gives a small smile.

"Oh! Your right Akaashi!" Bokuto smiles back.

"I'll see you later I have to go to my next class" Akaashi says as he leaves.

Akaashi was almost in his class until he saw Kenma behind a tree. It seemed like he was hiding.
"Hey Kenma are you okay?" Akaashi asked as he slowly walks up to the tree.

"Kuroo said if he passed his exam I would have to get rid of my game for a week. Turns out he passed and now I'm hiding" Kenma says as he try's to duck more.

"Well good luck with that. I have to go to class now. I'll be at the cafe later." Akaashi turns and leaves.

Soon class had ended for the day and he went to his dorm. He still had a hour to spare since the cafe was right around the corner.

Today was his day off so he had nothing to do except homework for his classes. So that's what he did. He managed to finish his homework for one class.

He looked at the clock and noticed it was almost six. He grabbed his coat and put his laptop in a bag. He left and on his way he saw Bokuto with Kuroo. They were laughing out loud and hitting each other.

Kuroo dropped his phone and turned around to grab it, making eye contact with him.
"Akaashi! Your heading to the cafe too?" Kuroo asked.

"Yea im meeting up with Bokuto to do an assignment." Akaashi says as Bokuto comes to him and put his arm around Akaashis shoulders.

"Yea! He's a great dude. He doesn't get mad when I do anything to him!" Bokuto says as he rubs Akaashis head.

"Don't try your luck." Akaashi says as they all walk into the cafe.

Kenma looked up and sighed.
"Hello welcome to Nekomas cafe. What may I offer you?" Kenma says glaring at Kuroo who was giggling since Kenma was wearing cat ears.

"It's not funny Kuroo, I didn't have a choice since it's international cat day!" Kenma says as he writes down Kuroo's order.

Kuroo comes to the cafe almost everyday to see his boyfriend. Kenma didn't mind until Kuroo tried grabbing his ass every time he walked by him.

"What would you guys like?" Kenma asked Akaashi and Bokuto

"I'll just have mocha" Akaashi said
"Umm get me a expreso!" Bokuto said as he sat down.

"So let's get started. I'll do five slides and you do five okay" Bokuto says taking his laptop out.

Akaashi noded.

"So Akaashi I haven't seen you with a girl or guy these days. When do you think your going to... you know ?" Kuroo says as he looks at Akaashi.

"I don't know. I don't really like anyone like that. Love isn't really my thing." Akaashi says as he types.

"Or are you scared to get that flower disease?" Kuroo laughed.

"Hm? As if, even if I did get it I wouldn't really care. I don't get the hype over falling in love." Akaashi looks at Bokuto who looked very surprised.

"So you don't believe in love? Well you should at least love something" Bokuto says

"I don't " Akaashi says as Kenma comes and gives everyone there drinks.

"Well let me show you!" Bokuto says with a wide smile.

"Show me?..... what do you mean?" Akaashi was confused. How do you show someone how to love?

"Easy I'll take you to all my favorite places and I'll show you things I love to do. Hopefully you will love doing the same things I do!" Bokuto says cheerfully.

"Good idea Bokuto! Your so smart!" Kuroo says as he hi-fives Bokuto.

"Good luck" Kenma says as he walks past Akaashi.

After hours of working on the presentation they finally finished.
"I had a great time with you guys! It was nice to get to know everyone and spend time with yall. I feel like we're all great best friends now!" Bokuto says as he grabs everyone and hugs them in a group hug.

"I didn't sign up for this." Kenma sighs as he gives up on trying to escape Kuroos arms.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow and I'll take you to the park tomorrow Kaashi!" Bokuto says as he runs out.

"Kaashi?" Kuroo said.
Akaashi shrugs.

"I'm going back to my dorm. Take care" Akaashi says as he leaves.

This might actually be interesting he thought to himself on his way back.

Hanahaki diseases // Bokuaka AUWhere stories live. Discover now