Pine Tree groaned, "What is it this time Bill?"

"Every night I will ask you a teensy question. If you don't give me the answer I want, I'll keep asking until you do."

"And when I do?" he asked.

"Let's just say that that will be our wedding night," I said with a smirk on my face.

Pine Tree thought about it, "What's the question?"

"I'll tell you later." I said, "So do we have a deal Pine Tree?" I asked and stuck my arm out and ignited a blue flame in my hand.

Pine Tree bit his lip but stuck out his hand too, "Deal."


"So, are you hungry Pine Tree?" I asked.

His stomach then growled and Pine Tree blushed from embarrassment, "Well, I did skip breakfast..."

"Say no more." I snapped my fingers and teleported us to the dining room to eat.

We sat at a long table with me at the front and Pine Tree at the other end.

"What would you like Pine Tree? Some chicken? Roast beef?" I asked.

"Umm, I'm a vegetarian." Pine Tree responded.

"Oh, right. My bad." I said, "So what will it be my Pine Tree? Pizza? Soup? Baked Alaska?"

"Pancakes would be nice." Pine Tree said.

"Pancakes it is!" I snapped my fingers and gave Pine Tree a plate of pancakes.

"I think I'll have some pancakes too!" I said and snapped up a plate of pancakes for myself.

I started eating my food and Pine Tree looked at me weirdly.

"What is it Pine Tree?" I asked.

Pine Tree shook his head, "Oh, um, it's just that, I thought, I didn't know you needed to eat."

I chuckled, "Well I don't exactly need to eat, but in this meatsack I do."

"Oh, that makes sense." Pine Tree said.

I continued to eat my food and then noticed that Pine Tree still hadn't touched his plate.

"I thought you said you were hungry?"

"Ummm...." Pine Tree said looking down at his food.

"It's not poisonous if that's what you're thinking," I said rolling my eye. Which he totally was since I had read his mind.

"Oh, ok." Pine Tree chuckled and started to eat his pancakes and his eyes lit up.

"What do you think?" I asked smiling.

"It's actually really good," he said.

"Would you like anything to top them off?" I asked.

Bride of Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls BillDip Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now