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I open my eyes, staring up at the ceiling and a deep sigh escapes my lips. I've got work today, which means I'm going to have to get up. As comfy as I am snuggled in my duvet, I have to work or I'll be broke soon. I sit up slowly, running a hand through my white blonde hair, which is severely ruffled from sleep. Swinging my feet over the side of the bed, I stagger to my feet and shuffle over to the bathroom. Nearly ten minutes later, I've showered and gotten dressed in my normal waitress outfit, and I'm making my way out of my bathroom.

I walk into the main area of my small apartment and grimace at the mess. I need to clean up, as there's a couple of crisp packets and lemonade bottles scattered over the worn green sofa and coffee table. I set to work cleaning up the mess, before walking over to the small kitchen area and opening the fridge. I'm met with a carton of nearly finished milk and half a pizza in it's box. Again, I sigh deeply and decide that I'd better leave the pizza for dinner. Shutting the fridge door, I make my way over to the front door. I slip on my shoes and pick up the bag that had been discarded on the mat, securing the strap on my shoulder. Pulling my phone and earphones out of the bag, I open my music app and soon the sound of BTS' 2! 3! is echoing through my ears.

I open my front door, stepping out and locking it behind me. Walking down the stairs to the bottom floor of my apartment building and out through the door, I embrace the warm air, the wind rippling through my hair. Even though it's August, there's still a light breeze to the air, which brings a small relief from the warm climate. I make my way slowly down the street, as there's no hurry to get to the café. As I stroll, I take in the small, cramped area of Seoul that I live in. Just as I turn the corner and see the café down the road, the song changes and Dionysus blasts out of my earphones. If I were richer, I'd have all of their albums lined up on my wall, merch decorating my tiny apartment. As it is, I hardly have enough money to keep the apartment and supply myself with food.

I reach the café, only to find Jieun already inside and setting up. She smiles when she sees me and I push open the door, stepping inside the café.

"Good morning Charlie." She chirps and I smile back at her.

"Morning Jieun. How long have you been here?"

She lifts another chair up off a table and places it on the floor, her brown hair swishing behind her back as she moves.

"Only about 5 minutes." She pauses from setting up, expression turning serious, "We're still on for tonight, right?"

I nod my head, "You can pick the movie. I was thinking of Jjajangmyeon for food?"

Her grin returns in full force, "Sounds great."

With lingering smiles, we set about setting the rest of the tables and chairs up. Soon, it's opening time and we're waiting behind the counter, ready for people to start coming in. Whilst we wait, we discuss possible films to watch later, when she comes around to my apartment. Every week we have this sleepover on our last working day for that week, to celebrate being able to get up at noon. The apartments alternate every week and this week, it's mine. I always enjoy going to Jieun's apartment more than staying at my own, as she actually has nice furniture and food. Not to mention, she doesn't get neighbours shouting at each other at 2 in the morning.

As people start to come in, we serve them, working as our usual flawless team. It's weird to think that I've only known Jieun for a year now and I'm closer to her than I have been with anyone else. All of my childhood best friends abandoned me as soon as we left school, so for a while I was alone, but then I met Jieun a year ago. We both started working at this small café at the same time and through working tirelessly we've gotten to know each other.

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