Take XVI

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(^^^omg guys???!?!??? im so proud of BTS rn,this is SO HUGE!!!!! we finally did it,we gave them No.1,they were so happy. Its all on Jungkookie's birthday,THATS WHAT HE DESERVES. Ok now onto the story)

"Hyung come on lets go out" Jeongguk said to Taehyung,who was sitting next to him in the couch. His head on Jeongguk chest and their legs tangled with eachother. It was the next day after they had the talk. They did nothing but eat and sleep yesterday after talking so Jeongguk wanted to have a change today as he did had something planned.

Taehyung agreed on forgetting about Rowon for a whole day. Jeongguk said he wanted him to relax and just feel safe with him. So he would do that because now there is nothing that is holding him back anymore. He can be free without feeling scared of going back to that person he calls his boyfriend.

Being with Jeongguk was really like a breath of fresh air. He felt like he could breath freely without feeling pressured,without feeling like he is getting controlled. He is so glad he finds his safe place with Jeongguk. Though he hates how his heart beats faster when he is around the younger boy.

Is it wrong? is wrong for him to feel like this around Jeongguk just because he has a boyfriend? he doesnt know. All he knows is that it doesnt feel wrong. Its right,he should stop worrying about Rowon when he knows that man probably doesnt give a fuck about him.

"Are you asking me out on a date,Jeongguk-ah?" Taehyung teasingly asked as he wiggled his eyebrows playfully. Jeongguk felt his cheeks heat up.

"I mean-You know- well i dont mind-" Jeongguk rambling was cut off by Taehyung who loved to see the boy just malfunction.

"Okay. Lets go. Its a date" he replied with a smile on his face.

"Its a date but what about..." Jeongguk really didn't want to say his name.

"You said that i should forgot about him for today,so thats what i am doing. Also what happened to helping me feel loved?" Taehyung questioned him as he didn't hesistated a bit. Jeongguk loved the confidence so he smirked.

"Well,lets go then. I'll get car keys and then we will head out. we are gonna have so much fun"

Once Jeongguk and Taehyung got inside the car,they drove off to god knows where. It felt nice to get out after two days without going anywhere. It was new for both of them as they are both famous actors so their schedules are filled with outdoor activites. These past two days were a break for them and they are going to make full of it.

"Put your phone on silent,we are not going to think about work today" Jeongguk declared as his eyes were on the road. Taehyung nodded and put his phone on silent.

"where are we going though?"

"Taehyung-sshi,have you ever went bowling?" Jeongguk asked him,making him smile. "one time with hoseok hyung,it was years ago,i lost"

"Well get ready to lose again" he said with a smug on his face. Taehyung scoffed at younger's confidence.

"we'll see about Gukkie" Taehyung replied back as he isn't going to lose.

Soon they reached the place which looked like an arcade. It was pretty big so that means they can do alot more things than just bowling. They saw alot of families just coming with their kids and mostly groups of highschool kids just coming here to enjoy with their friends.

Both of them got out of the car. They know they will soon make it to headlines once again but at this point,they really dont give a fuck. Jeongguk already texted his manager about his whereabouts so there isn't much panic later when they twist the headlines. Well,Jeongguk actually asked them to shove money at them to shut the fuck up about it.

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