Take VI

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"Jimin Im going out with Taehyung
what the fuck?!?!?!?!" Jeongguk exclaimed,he was having a hard time wrapping this situation around his head. It felt unreal.

"oh my god,its a date" Jimin fake gasped,just getting annoyed because he has been screaming these same exact words ever since yesterday.

"its n-not a date" Jeongguk stuttered a light tint of pink on his cheeks. He will be screaming more if it was. He will be most likely crying about it.

"Oh yeah sorry you wish you were Rowon" Jimin patted his head teasing him. 

"I wish,he is so lucky,he is talented,handsome and he has Taehyung as his boyfriend,must be nice living a perfect life" Jeongguk told him as he slumped down on his couch. Jimin noticed the sudden mood change.

"Aw,you are also handsome and talented,you don't have Taehyung as your boyfriend but you are his friend now right? that's just as awesome,only thing is you cant kiss him" Jimin tried to cheer his bestfriend up but it looked like it didn't worked.

"that's the thing i want to kiss him again,have you seen his pretty soft lips,jimin the second i kissed him i was blown away by how much good his lips were,i was hypnotized i'm just....wow" Jeongguk once again dozed off in his thoughts,daydreaming about kissing Taehyung. Knowing that ain't going to happen any sooner as even in the movie they have only one or two kiss scenes and all of them are near the end.

"if you are done daydreaming,you have a dinner date with Kim Taehyung that you need to be ready for Guk,so get your ass up and get ready if you want to impress love of your life" Jimin pushed his ass as he sat down next to him. He took the chips on the table and opened them as he started to eat.

Jeongguk nodded and got up,he walked toward his closet and opened it,going through his clothes,the only thing was his whole closet was full of black clothes. He was conflicted.

"i have nothing to wear this is a disaster" Jeongguk whined once again,Jimin groaned as he was annoyed. He really has a dumb bitch as his best friend.

"go sit down,bitch ass who told you to have a full emo closet,what if Taehyung hate emos ?! then what will you do?!" Jimin stood up from the couch and walked towards the boy. He pushed him away and started to go through his closet to help his stupid bestfriend.

"go sit down,i will get something date appropriate for you to wear" Jimin commanded him to go,which Jeongguk immediately nodded and went to the couch. Angry Jimin was not someone you should mess with.

Taehyung applied some cherry lip balm on his lips as he pressed them together so it would be equally spread. His pink glossy lips looked so plump and kissable. He smiled at how good he was looking. He was getting ready for the 'date' but not really.

He ruffled his hair up a bit,he had just gotten a perm recently so there no need to style it. It looks good just how they are. He was wearing a red silk button up shirt that had first three buttons undone exposing his smooth tanned chest. The shirt was tucked inside the high waisted black pants,highlighting his tiny waist and even his ass looked really plump in these pants.

He put on bunch of rings,just like he normally does. He just loves rings and how pretty they looked on his long fingers. He also wore a black choker. He took his stylish black jacket and wore it. Completing his look. He looked extremely good and just very pretty. He admired himself one last time.

He took his phone,wallet and car keys putting them all inside his pocket. He is thankful the pockets are long enough. He was ready to go,he had some time left but the restaurant they are meeting at it is far away so it will take time to get their. He got out of his room as he walked to the main door so he can go out. So before he could even grab the handle he heard his boyfriend calling him.

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