Take V

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The next day Namjoon got all dressed up and hurried because he didn't want to waste another minute. He drove to the given location and waited for yoongi to arrive at this café . He was really excited and anxious to meet him. Let's just say things did not end well for both of them the last time they met.

After 10 odd minutes Yoongi arrived and Namjoon waved in order to tell him where he was seated. Yoongi came to him. This was highly awkward for both of them, they didn't even know how to greet each other. They don't know where to start.

"Yoongi." Joon said as he stood up to greet him but didn't know whether he should hug him or what. So he pulled his hand forward for a shake. Yoongi extended his hand as they shook hands with eachother. Small smile on their faces.

"Namjoon, you haven't aged a day. It's so good finally seeing you after so long." he said as he sat down on the seat.

"Well same of course. We lost touch in between and I wish that didn't happen." Namjoon said not making any eye contact with him. He felt a little unsure as he brought it up.

"Well we can't change what happened but it was for the best. Anyways, what's the big emergency that you called me about?" He asked but before Namjoon could answer, the waiter arrived to ask for the order.

"what would you like sir?"

"I'll have a cappuccino and a blueberry muffin and he'll have a black coffee without sugar with a slice of cheesecake." Joon told the waiter as he wrote down their orders,bowed respectfully and left them. Yoongi felt surprised that he ordered for him too.

"You remembered?" Yoongi asked a bit fascinated.

"Of course I did, it wasn't like I forgot everything I shared with you when we grew apart." Joon said awkwardly smiling to make it seem like not such a big deal.

"Anyways, the thing is yesterday I was having my meeting with the producer for the first time. I was really excited for him to approve the script so we could then together go to the read through script reading and the press conference and make the film official and start the shooting. Unfortunately, he rejected." he said with an upset tone.

"He rejected YOUR script? Must be a dumbass, but why did he exactly do it especially at such a crucial time, did you write something inappropriate?" He was curious now more than ever.

"Apparently, the guy's a big homophobe. He said the script was garbage and that it would not do good, that it was a flop movie and that he wasn't ready to invest." Just as he said this their order arrived and Joon started digging in the cupcake.

"That is unfortunate, so now what are you going to do?" Yoongi asked as he took a sip of his coffee.

"That's where you come in. Listen I need your help, please produce this movie. I know we haven't exactly been on the best terms for me to ask such a big favor but you are the only person I can ask for help right now." He almost begged him to say yes.

"But, I haven't been in the show business for so long now, how can I just jump on a project like that?"

"That's not even such a big issue. Yoongi please say yes. It would relieve me of this problem."

"Umm, do I have an option?" he asked

"No." joon said firmly.

"Fine. Send the script to me today. I'll read it and let you know, but count me in I guess."

"Oh my God! Thank you!" Joon almost screamed out of happiness.

"Relax will you. Dork." Yoongi said this as he looked down and smiled but didn't want him to see.

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