Chapter 10

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Hearing that come out from Vaye's mouth, I quickly embraced her. Vaye didn't give a reaction, she simply sighed. I didn't know what do to. I didn't even know that Vaye's parents were killed. Vaye never really talked about her family so I knew nothing. I was such a bad mate. My Vaye was secretly hurting and I did absolutely nothing to comfort her. I guess the most useless mate award goes to me. I tightened my embrace on Vaye and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. Vaye slowly pulled away from the hug and she gave me a small smile.

"It's fine. You didn't know." She then stood up and rolled her eyes at the look that the others were giving her.

"You can tell them what happened, Angeline. I'm going out to catch some fresh air. If we really need that bitch queen to stop the war then fine. But I need some time to think first." Vaye stated before heading out.

I stood up and was about to chase after her but Pearl stopped me. She shook her head, "Don't. She needs time for herself."

I frowned and stayed quiet. I felt so freaking useless. I bit my lip to stop the tears that were threatening to escape. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Pearl giving me a comforting smile.

"Don't be mad at yourself, Amethyst. You didn't know and Vaye wasn't ready to talk about it." I knew Pearl was right but I just couldn't shake off the feeling that I failed as Vaye's mate.

"How about you tell us what happened? Vaye did give you her permission." Weiss stated, raising a brow at Angeline.

Angeline nodded, "It happened a long time ago. I know what happened because I was watching from heaven but at that time, I was still a little angel so I had no right to interfere between the demons and the vampires. The other higher ranking angels at that time didn't want to interact with demons so they did not care about the fight between the two kinds."

"How did Vaye know that you were watching?" I asked, confused.

Angeline chuckled, "I wasn't really being discreet. Anyways.. I don't remember much but I'll do my best to tell the story."

Taking a deep breath, Angeline started, "Long ago, a war happened. But the war was between vampires and demons. Vampires and demons were very similar creatures and alot of other kinds were sometimes confused with the two. A lot of people said that vampires and demons were the same kind. Of course, Lucilia heard of this and she was not pleased. Lucilia didn't like the fact that a lot of people were comparing her kind to vampires. Lucilia believed that vampires were weak creatures and were nothing like demons because demons were so much better in her mind. And so, Lucilia declared war against vampires."

"Vaye's parents, Vanity and Quill were not happy with this declaration so they started to train. Little Vaye was also training. The vampires were very determined to win the war and prove their worth. But Lucilia was a demon and demons were known to cheat. One day, Lucilia discovered that Vanity, the former queen, was in her heat, meaning every vampire in the kingdom was blinded by lust for their queen. Lucilia, being her unfair self, took this opportunity and attacked."

Angeline sighed, "The vampires were oblivious to the attack, they were all clouded with lust and that gave the demons the upper hand. Quill, on the other hand, was the only one who was not affected with Vanity's heat, because he was her mate. Quill realized that the demons were there but he was too late. Demons started entering their castle, slaughtering every vampire that they encountered. Some demons even tortured and raped the vampires before killing them. With everything that was happening, Lucilia was happy and she was even happier when she encountered the queen who was also very clouded with lust."

"I-I.." Angeline bit her lip and she looked hesitant to continue but nonetheless, she still continued. "Lucilia is a very.. she's.. oh my, I'm so sorry. I just don't know how to say this.."

Weiss sighed, "Lucilia raped Vaye's mom, didn't she?"

Angeline looked away, "She did. And although Vanity's body was okay with it, her heart, mind and soul was not. But that's not all, Quill saw them and Lucilia made him watch as she roughly used his mate's body."

"How about Vaye? Where was Vaye at that time?" I asked, my heart racing at the thought that my Vaye was left alone, fighting for herself and her kind.

"Vanity and Quill's most trusted servant, Leon took Vaye and hid her. Vaye was just a confused little girl but she could not do anything because Leon was a vampire and a witch. He casted a spell on Vaye that made her oblivious to what was happening. So whilst Vaye was being guarded by Leon, her parents were being tortured in their own home. And as if raping and torturing Vanity wasn't enough, Lucilia then decided to take her life in front of her mate. And she knew exactly what would happen to the supernatural whose mate died. After Vanity was killed, Quill soon followed but this time, Lucilia didn't have to move to kill Quill because his insides were already being torn. And once the king and queen of vampires were dead, Lucilia looked for Vaye."

"Fortunately, she was not able to find Vaye so she dismissed her demons and went back to hell where they celebrated the fall of the vampire kind."

"It has been more than a hundred years since that happened. After losing everything, Vaye and Leon had no choice but to turn humans. To bring back their kind and their kingdom, Vaye and Leon turned every human who was willing to let go of their humanity and become a vampire. And that's how the vampire kingdom became what it is today."

"And Leon? What happened to him?" Eva asked, her brows furrowed and her lips were set in a straight line.

"Leon has already passed a long time ago, his mate died from giving birth to their only child who I think is alive and well." Angeline then smiled, "And I think Vaye did a good job on raising Leon's child, Wade Robertson."

My jaw dropped and so did the others. Vaye raised Wade?! Wade was the daughter of Leon?! Leon raised Vaye?! I think my mind is about to malfunction. Does that mean Vaye was like a mother figure to Wade? Did Wade look at Vaye like a mother? Does that mean I'm supposed to be Wade's other mother now? Did Vaye even adopt Wade?

"No, baby. I never adopted Wade, I just helped raise her. And I'm not her mother. Fortunately, Wade only sees me as her queen and her older sister, nothing more, nothing less." I turned around and saw Vaye smiling at me in amusement.

I quickly ran to Vaye and embraced her. She chuckled and hugged me back, placing a kiss on the top my head. "I really admire you, Vaye." I whispered, pressing my cheek against Vaye's chest.

Vaye gently grabbed my chin and lifted it, making me look at her in the eyes. "I love you."

I smiled and leaned in whilst closing my eyes slowly, "I love you too."

"And I love the fact that you guys are about to shamelessly make out in front of us. I fucking love it!" Sapphire exclaimed, clapping like a crazy granny.

I pulled away and glared at Sapphire who only laughed at us. Vaye rolled her eyes, "Great. Way to fucking ruin the mood, Sapphire."

"You better fucking discipline that little vampire of yours." Vaye told Weiss. Weiss only replied with a curt nod and a roll of her eyes.

"Anyways, I hate to break your little moment but we have important matters to discuss." Pearl stated, giving us an irritated smile.

Angeline nodded, "But before that, I just wanted to ask, are you okay, Vaye?"

Vaye raised a brow at Angeline and answered with a confused look, "I'm fine. I'm over it and if that bitch demon is the only way to stop the war then we've got no choice. I just want to make sure this stupid war stops."

"Well then, looks like it's decided." Eva stated, smirking.

"It's about time for us to surprise a fucking demon."

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