Chapter 54

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Reject.. rejection.. death.. am I even ready..? I've never thought of my life ending like this.. I used to think that I will never have a relationship with Lucilia, nonetheless truly fall in love with her. And yet.. here I am now, getting rejected by the one I love most because of my foolishness.. because of the fear that was planted in me. If only.. if only I went against the saint's words and got to know Lucilia earlier. If only I looked past what everyone said about her and made an effort to know the person beneath the demon. If only I told her I love her sooner.. If only..

"You're right. If only you did all of those sooner then none of this would have happened.. but darling, life is difficult.. and I am a demon therefore I.. always take the easy part of life which is why.." She grabbed my chin and made me look at her.

"I shouldn't have trusted you." Once those words left her lips, I felt my soul leave my body.

It didn't end there, she gave me a look of spite before turning around and leaving the room while slamming the door loudly. I didn't know what to do when her foot stepped out of the room.. I couldn't feel anything.. not even sorrow. All I could focus on was the cracking of my heart.. in which I had.. I had caused.

I couldn't even blame the saint.. as I always had a choice.. I had a choice whether to listen to her or to find out for myself.. but I, being the weak and submissive child that I was, decided to follow the saint's words. All those years of suppressing the bond.. all those sufferings that I endured from Lucilia's past intercourses.. all those lonely nights of me consoling myself, saying that I'm doing the right thing.. to protect myself.. what were those for? What was the purpose?

My Father.. please.. what should I do..? The decision that I make right now.. will become the future of our relationship. Should I swallow my fear and chase after the one destined for me..? Or should I remove myself in her life permanently?

But.. wait.. nothing's happening to me.. I am not sure whether it is because I am a human but I am alive! I'm alive! This means that her words were too vague! She did not say my name, she did not say that she rejects me! Therefore.. I must.. I must have a chance still! I must find her, I must.. for she is my mate.

With a deep breath, I whispered, "As stated in Corinthians.. do everything in love. My Heavenly Father, forgive me for my sins and my incompetence.. my love for you is eternal and will always be unconditional.. but I.. I must reconcile with the demon whom I have fallen in love with."

With that, I bolted out of my room and went in search of Weiss. I knew by now that Lucilia must be somewhere where I cannot reach her thus I knew Weiss can help me.. will she help me? She will. Because although she tries her best not to show it, her heart is soft. The problem was.. where do I look first? The castle was huge.. albeit I may have memorized it's interior.. Weiss' office was on the other side.. I would not make it fast with my humanly speed.

"Angeline? What's wrong? What are you doing staring into space in the middle of the hallway?" I jumped out of trance and saw Pearl giving me a concerned look.

"Are you sick? Do you need help? Shall I get the demon?"

I immediately nodded when I heard her say 'demon'. "Yes! Do you know where Lucilia is?"

Pearl gave me a confused look as she slowly shook her head, "Unfortunately, I've not been informed of her exact location.. but I did see her leave the castle earlier."

"H-How about Weiss?"

Pearl's brow raised when she noticed my stutter and pointed to the right, "She's in her office, discussing matters with Rena. But tell me Angeline.. you look rather.. worn out? Have you encountered any conflict? Your mental or physical health, your duties or perhaps.. your demon?"

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