Chapter 39

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It's been so long since I've been in my inner world. It's like having dissociative identity disorder all over again.. but with only one alter. I don't know whether to miss the feeling or to absolutely detest it. Looking around, this world looks empty now. This used to be so chaotic with a crazy red head laughing and running around. Yet, the world also used to be so peaceful with a blue haired girl sitting on the bench, just peacefully observing her surroundings. The world was sometimes both.. with a petite brunette either playing around or casually laying on the grass.

Everything seems so nostalgic.. I've been conscious for so long now, it feels weird to be back here. But if I'm here.. then the demon queen must be fronting.. the realization immediately made me stand up. No.. she can't front.. but Lucilia did save me from being taken over by the evil archangel. But he's gone now so maybe I can go back to being in charge of my own body!

I closed my eyes and focused, I needed to front.. I want to see my Vaye.. I want to see her so bad. It hurts to be separated from her. I allowed myself to feel light, ready to take over my body but there was something blocking me.. I opened my eyes and frowned.

"I-I.. I can't front? I can't front?" This has never happened before. When Sapphire and Pearl were my alters, I could front whenever I wanted.. unless.. unless Lucilia is fighting me! She's fighting for dominance over my body. But she's a demon, I don't stand a chance against her.

Maybe I shouldn't front.. what if that archangel wants to take over my body again? I can't let that happen.. but I want to see my Vaye.. my baby. I want to know how she's doing with her mate's body being taken over by the murderer who killed her parents. Gosh, what the heck am I even thinking?

What other option do I have besides fronting? Darn.. that's.. uhm, I can't remember at all. What in the world did I use to do? Something like watching but not being able to do something.. that's it! I need to be co-conscious!

Co-consciousness lets me be aware of what's happening, it'll allow me to hear and see what Lucilia is doing but I'm not sure if it'll help me communicate with her. But wait a minute.. there's also co-fronting.. where I'm fronting alongside Lucilia.. but I've never experienced co-fronting, I heard it takes a lot of energy and eventually one alter would go inside and the other would take over the body completely. I don't think co-fronting is possible right now, so I'll have to stick with co-consciousness.

With that, I closed my eyes and forced myself to become co-conscious.. it feels like fronting.. how I wish to front.. I felt like floating.. like dissociating from my inner world to the real world.

When I opened my eyes again, I could see.. Solous? He looked awful.. like he was beaten up, what happened? I looked around and gasped when I saw Vaye holding Solous' neck, her fangs dangerously close to his face. My baby looked furious, what could have pissed her off to this extent?

How in the world is this possible?

My eyes widened, Lucilia! Right! Being co-conscious lets me communicate with you after all!

This isn't whatever disorder you had.. this is the act of possession, how the fuck are you able to talk to me?

I don't know.. I don't know how possessing works but this is definitely how dissociative identity disorder works.

That's such a long ass name, you could have said DID or whatever.

I'm used to saying its complete name.. not a lot of people assume it's a disorder from just saying DID.

I suppose so.. Now, what do you want?

I wanted to see Vaye.. what's happening? Vaye looks like she's ready to kill Solous, why is that?

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